The Whiskey Insurrection from The Diaries of George Washington
13 October-19 October 1794
(source: http://gwpapers.virginia.edu/whiskey/october.html)
13th. Breakfasted at Greencastle 10 Miles, & lodged at Williamsport, 14 Miles further.
Having now passed thro' the States of Pennsylvania & Maryland, Williamsport being on the Banks of the Potomac, at the Mouth of Conogocheaque; I shall summarily notice the kind of land, & State of improvements, along the Road I have come.....From Chambersburgh to Williamsport the Lands are fine, and the Houses and improvements amended, considerably.
14th. About Seven oclock, or half after it, we left Williamsport; and travelling upon the Maryland side of the River, we breakfasted at one [ ] 13 miles on our way--& crossing the Potomac a mile or two below Hancock Town lodged at the Warm Springs; or Bath; 16 miles from our breakfasting stage--and 29 from Williamsport.