George Washington to Continental Congress, November 19, 1776
Hackensack, November 19, 1776."Sir: I have not been yet able, to obtain a particular account of the unhappy affair of the 16th, nor of the Terms on which the Garrison surrendered.
The Intelligence that has come to hand, is not so full and accurate as I could wish. One of the Artillery, and whose information is most direct, who escaped on Sunday night says the Enemy's loss was very considerable, especially in the attack made above the Fort by the Division of Hessians that Marched from Kingsbridge, and
where Lieut. Colo Rawlings of the late Colo. Stevenson's Regiment was posted. " |
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Hugh Stephenson to Israel Putnam, April 8, 1776
Staten Island, April 8th 1776 "May it please your honor.- Yesterday about Ten O'Clock in the forenoon the Ship Savage & the James pilate Boat came up the Sound under cover of a thick fogg to the watering place of this island.-each Sent a Boat with Eleven men to take in water of which I received Intelligence and I prepared to attack them.-they rec'd Information of our approach & a Signal Gun was fired for their retreat which they endeavoured to effect under cover of a Brisk and almsot constant fire from teh Savage, but being Closely ursued were obliged to leave behind them one Standard, one musket, one Boat. Twenty Seven Iron bound Barrels, on Cable, anchor and Buoy, one Speaking Trumpet on Ironshot(?) & two watch Coats-
Ten men were taken prisoners in the Boat & in the water Attempting to make their escape and one of whom is wounded/ One man being Shot fell into the Water and two others fell on Board of which we are Confident; many were wounded but as I cannot inform you with certainty you'll pleaase refer to four Deserters who came ashore last night from the Phoenix for better Information.
Two Boys belonging to New York who went on board the Black John Saturday & were tow'd in their Canoe by the James to the watering pplace yesterday morning and Landed are suspected to be the persons who gave teh Ships Crew notice that the Rifle Men were approaching and are therefore made prisoners, they inform that Misters Weatherhead & Wallace of New York Frequently go on Board the Phoenix from Long Island. -
I have undertaken to Send Derbey Doyl as a prisoner for selling provisions to and having Correspondence with the Enemy. - I have the pleasure to inform yr. Honor that the Officers and Soldiers under my Command behaved in teh late little skirmish with a Spirit and Conduct becoming Advocates for Liberty. I am to acknowledge myself obliged to Capt. Rawlings, his officers and men for their Assistance. They prepared to land us, by Crossing the river in the most expeditious manner,
a list of prisoners will be Delivered by Lieut. Finley to whom I beg leave to refer Yr. Honor for farther particulars" [note: Otho Holland William's papers mention that Rawlings was stationed "on the Jersey shore", and that the skirmish on April 7 took place on Easter Sunday.] |
October 19, 1794: George Washington returns to Cumberland Maryland and conducts his final review of his troops
On October 18, 1794, President George Washington arrived in Cumberland to review the militia troops called up to quell the Whisky Rebellion in Pennsylvania. Both Generals Lee and Morgan were back, as Commanders of these troops. Moses Rawlings had been appointed Brigadier General of the Allegany County and Washington Couny militias in 1794.
On October 19th, Washington "appeared in full uniform", the last time he would ever wear his uniform, and held a full review on the parade ground of Fort Cumberland, his old stomping grounds during the French and Indian War 40 years earlier. Washington stayed at the house of a prominent citizen, William McMahon, who had imported brick to build his house, on the corner of Small & Green Streets. In 1878, this house was still standing, but dilapidated. On these days of Washington's visit, it was crammed with people wanting to see Washington. [ref: History of Cumberland , Maryland, W.H. Lowdermilk, 1878.]
George Washington's Diary and his trip to Cumberland in 1794
Keep the Revolutionary Spirit Alive!
Revolutionary Spirit- 1788 - Maryland |