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The Ancestors of Luranah Rawlings: Wife of Francis Rawlings of Anne Arundel County, Maryland
by Robert R. Bockmiller
Francis Rawlings (1720-1794) of AAC, Md. married about 1740 and had 14 children. His wifes given name was Luranah. Unfortuneatly, no one ever located a birth or marriage record for Luranah. Years ago a researcher decided that her name was Richardson, based only on the appearance of the unusual first name in the Richardson line. Since then, some Rawlings descendants and various genealogical societies accespted the allegation as fact even though there was no proof.
The most revealing evidence is the original will of Thomas Tucker of Anne Arundel County. In the will, Thomas Clearly named Luranah Rawlings, however, the court clerk shortly after probate incorrectly transcribed the name Susannah Rawlings. Evidently researchers have never gone to the orginal wills (some are still available) to find out more about this Rawlings.
Luranah Rawlings was born about 1722 in the West River area of Southern Anne Arundel County; the daughter of Thomas Tucker and Elizabeth Selley. Thomas Tucker (c. 1690-1748) and his wife Elizabeth had 3 sons: Richard, Sealy and Thomas and 3 daughters: Sarah, Luranah and Elizabeth.
Thomas Tucker must have been somewhat of a philanderer because he was also the father of Mary Beard, the wife of Richard Beard, Jr. [mi note: Richard Beard Jr.s wife at the time of his death was Susannah, see records below.] Marys mother was Ann Rawlings Jones, widow of Simon Jones and the daughter of Aaron an Susannah Jones Rawlings of Anne Arundel County.
Elizabeth Selleys grandfather was Matthew Selley who was granted 50 acres Selleys Enlargement on the West River in 1670. Matthew had 2 children: Elizabeth and matthew. Elizabeth became Mrs. Alexander Mackfarland. Matthew married Sarah and was the father of Eliabeth Selley Tucker.
The Surname Selley was spelled many different ways. The various records showed Selley, Seiley, Silly, Solly and Cele. [mi note: A Benjamin Celie (spelled various ways) broke out of jail in Fall, 1704, with the help of Rachel Beard Clark etc. Freeborn, for which she was jailed. He was apparently arrested in connection w/ Richard Clarke, her son. Benjamin Celie was exported and banished in 1705, by Act of the General Assembly.] Lurannah had a brother name Sealy and a nephew named Sele. Luranah also named one of her sons Sealy an dhad a grandson named Sealy.
Richard Tucker, d. 1715 Anne Arundel Co, Md. Wife: Mary
1. Thomas Tucker, b. c. 1690; m. Elizabeth Selley
2. John Tucker, b. ca. 1693
2. Mary Tucker, b. 8 Nov. 1695
Thomas Tucker b. ca. 1690; m. Elizabeth Selley, b. 12 Oct 1693, dau. of Matthew Selley and Sarah: Thomas Tucker died 1748 Anne Arundel Co., Md.
1. Sarah Tucker, m. Samuel Lane
2. Elizabeth Tucker m. Richard White; d. ca. 1774
3. Richard Tucker, b. 2 Apr 1718
4. Thomas Tucker
5. Luranah Tucker, b. ca. 1722; m. Francis Rawlings; d. ca. 1794
6. Sealy Tucker m. Rebecca; d. 1783
Mary, dau. of Ann Rawlings Jones; m. Richard Beard, Jr.[not Richard Beard II]; d. 1792 Anne Arundel Co., Md. {This cannot be Richard Beard ii because his wife was Susannah.]
Francis Rawlings b. 1720:
this is info from Richard RAWLINGS b. 1664 All Hallows Parish, Anne Arundel Co.MD:
"Richard Rawlings settled on South River in Anne Arundel County. He obtained his first tract of land on January 1, 1674...in 1680, Richard Rawlings bought 50 acres of land lying on Hogg Neck Branch and patented it in 1683...On August 11, 1868, he purchased from John Stimpson a tract of land called "Long Venture" containing 250 acres adjoining "Rawlings Purchase."
====this being Francis Rawlings grandfather...........his father was John RAWLINGS b. ca1690 All Hallows Parish, Anne Arudel Co.MD.......I do not have any pertinent info on John Rawlings at the present.
this is info for Francis RAWLINGS b. 1720 Anne Arundel Co.MD
" old Rawlings estate know to us as Jacob Waters Mill." This was referenced in the family history written by Mary Pitts BALDWIN, written ca1865.
In Francis Will he speaks of land already sold to his son Johathan...and giving him land adjoining the Mill Land, beginning at the lower end of his Mill Trace from the Mill and running down the stream of water including the stream the Breadth of two Perches so as to include the quantity of the three acres to give him a length on the stream to prevent any obstrudciotion to the water course from his Mill.................this obviously is the land Mary Pitts BALDWIN was writing about in the family history she wrote in the section about James BALDWIN m Sarah RAWLINGS.
This is my Rawlings family chart it will give you the names in my family line to help you in figuring out possibly whose info you might already be holding.........if you have any other questions let me know and I will try to answer them.
Descendants of Richard Rawlings
1 Richard Rawlings b: 1664 in All Hallow's Parish, Anne Arundel, MD. d: 1696
.. +Jane Gollison b: 1668 in All Hallow's Parish, Anne Arundel, MD.
......... 2 Elizabeth Rawlings
......... 2 Mary Rawlings
......... 2 Oliph (Olive) Rawlings
......... 2 Richard Rawlings b: Abt. 1685 d: 1719
............. +Deborah Pinch
......... 2 John Rawlings b: Abt. 1690 in All Hallow's Parish, Anne Arundel, MD. d: January 13, 1726/27
............. +Eleanor Ridgely b: Abt. 1694 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD m: January 13, 1711/12 in All Hallow's Parish , Anne Arundel, MD. d: Abt. 1727 Father: William Ridgely Mother: Elizabeth Clark
.................... 3 Francis Rawlings b: September 11, 1720 in MD. d: January 17, 1794
........................ +Luranah Tucker b: Abt. 1724 in MD. Father: Thomas Tucker Mother: Elizabeth Selley
............................... 4 John Rawlings b: September 18, 1742 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD d: January 08, 1811
................................... +Hannah Knight
............................... 4 Elizabeth Rawlings b: February 04, 1744/45 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD
............................... 4 Francis Jr.,Rawlings b: December 23, 1746 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD d: 1782
................................... +Sarah Hall b: 1749 m: July 21, 1772 in St. Margarets P.E.Chruch, Westminister Parish, Anne Arundel,MD. Father: John Hall Mother: Achsah Marriott
............................... 4 Eleanor Rawlings b: October 19, 1748 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD
............................... 4 Sarah Rawlings b: December 13, 1749 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD d: July 13, 1793 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD
................................... +James Baldwin b: 1750 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD. m: in Anne Arundel Co.,MD d: August 27, 1810 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD Father: Edward Baldwin Mother: Sarah(Susan) Meek
............................... 4 Thomas Rawlings b: May 12, 1752 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD
............................... 4 Jehosephat Rawlings b: December 17, 1753 in Anne Arundel Co.,MD
................................... +Letitia Miers m: in Cecil Co.MD.
............................... 4 Stephen Rawlings b: April 13, 1755
............................... 4 Sealy Rawlings b: Abt. 1757
............................... 4 Richard Rawlings b: June 14, 1758
............................... 4 Greenberry Rawlings b: 1760 d: 1815
................................... +Rebecca Taggart b: 1767 d: 1815
............................... 4 Jonathon Rawlings b: Abt. 1762
................................... +Sophia Duvall m: May 09, 1794 [NOTE: Robert Bockmiller says http://www.mozartconsulting.net/rrfha/1989/March1989.htmRFHA Mar 1989, pg. 6. [FROM ROBERT BOCKMILLER]Sophia Duvall married JOHN RAWLINGS, son of AARON and Mary Sommers RAWLINGS. Sources: Cecil and Anne Arundel County marriage records...and DAR records. (P. 440) (Ron)
............................... 4 Luranah Rawlings b: 1764
................................... +Brown
............................... 4 Joshua Rawlings b: 1766
.................... 3 Elizabeth Rawlings b: September 30, 1713
........................ +John Stimpson
.................... 3 Jehosophat Rawlings b: 1715 d: 1757
.................... 3 Sarah Rawlings b: September 02, 1716 d: April 23, 1727
.................... 3 John Rawlings b: June 13, 1718 d: 1756
.................... 3 Eleanor Rawlings b: June 03, 1722 d: 1744
.................... 3 Catherine Rawlings b: April 16, 1724
........................ +Ninian Jr., Beall
In reference to a Tavern.........Sarah RAWLINGS husband's family the BALDWINS had this place: Sarah's brother-in-law Henry inherited it and Sarah and James lived in the Homestead property right next to the Rising Sun. As you can see there is a reference to Sarah Hall RAWLINGS also connected to a Tavern, but I have no other info than this below:
The Rising Sun Inn, which was donated to the Ann Arundel Chapter in 1916 for "patriotic uses," was built around 1753 by Edward Baldwin and expanded around 1790 bt his son, Lieutenant Henry Baldwin. The younger Baldwin was a Revolutionary War hero who "likely fought in the Maryland Line at the Battle of Brooklyn," explains Ellan.
The young Baldwin married Sarah Hall Rawlings, the widow of a tavern keeper from Annapolis, around 1784. It was at this point that the home, which is situated on the historic General's Highway between Baltimore and Annapolis,actually became a tavern.
The couple ran the tavern together and had a daughter before Sarah's early death in 1789. Henry remarried within a year or so, this time to Maria Graham Woodward. They continued to operate Baldwin's Tavern and had two children. However, the couple was married only three years when Henry died at the age of 40 in 1793.
His widow remarried and ran the tavern with her new husband, Augustine Gambrill, a local man from the county. At some point thereafter, the tavern became known as the Rising Sun Inn. It's unclear when the Rising Sun Inn ceased to be a tavern, but records show that by 1836, the building began a period of decline that lasted until 1916, when it was donated to the Ann Arundel Chapter of NSDAR.
oops I found this under Henry's info:
In Founders of A.A.Co......it says that Sarah is the widow of James Rawlings. Sarah is the dau of John Hall of White Hall and Achsah Marriott....and in a Will of Achsahs father it is stated that Sarah Hall was first married to Francis Rawlings? (this information came from Jill Orr)......**FACT**....Sarah was first married to Francis Rawlings Jr.
Hope this helps you in some way. Good Luck!
N.J.Skinner White
"Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past."
(Deuteronomy 32:7a)
On July 13, 1778, Captain John Iiams, Gent made a depositon during a law suit, Captain John Iams Sr., aged 66 years (b. 1712). He stated that he had known Johnathan Rawlings1 , the Complainant, since infancy and George Stewart2 , the defendant, since his arrival in America. He had also known Aaron Rawlings, late of Anne Arundel County, father of Johnathan, from infancy. Aaron Rawlings lived on Jones Lot until his death about 42 years ago, (c. 1736: actual death 6 Apr. 1741) and also knew Moses and Ann Rawlings children of Aaron Rawlings. Moses Rawlings married {Ruth Clark] and predeceased his father. Anne Rawlings married before the death of her father a sailor by the name of --- [Simon] Jones who was lost at sea. They lived together for about two or three years. After the death of Jones Anne had two daughters, though never married again, and died about 15 years ago. [1763/2] Aaron Rawlings, another brother of the complainant, died about 20 years ago, [1758/7] leaving three sons and five daughters3 .
Richard Beard Jr.:
Maryland Archives, Vol 24. Index:

The Upper House. 345 (vol. 24)
By the house of Delegates.
Aprill 29th 1704.
Wee herewith send an Accot laid before this house by the
Widdow Beard Demanding pay for cleansing Arms &c. And
Since her Maty has been Graciously pleas'd to Direct three pence of the 12d p hhd to be apply'd to Supply the country with Arms &c. And that preserving them are necessary as
purchasing them And that part has been so apply'd Wee numbly referr the said Accot & all others of that nature to yor Excy to cause them to be Examin'd & that you will please to
Ordr the charge thereof to be Defray'd out of the said Revennue Sign'd p Ordr
W Taylard Clk house Del
346 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 3, 1704.
Mrs Susanna Beards petition for keeping & cleansing the publiq Arms stated & Dischardged to this Day as well for the ballance due to her late Husband Mr Richard Beard as herself & Ordered that George plater Esq her Matys Recr of the District of puttuxent pay her in full therefore the Sume of Sterl.
May Ist 1704.
Mr Mathew Beard proposes to take care of the publiq Arms & Amunition & to keep the Arms in good Ordr for which he is to be allowed twenty pounds per Annum to comence from this Day. Colonel Hamond promises to Inspect his Managemt & if he does not take care to do his Duty Col
Hamond may Remove him. His Excy the Governor & the Councill Resolve to go & see
in what Ordr the publiq Arms are kept. The Board adjourn'd for two hours.
Transcribed by M. Iovino
Sept. 2003
1 b. ca. 1720. d. 1784. Souse, Elizabeth Watkins.
2 before 8 May 1724-Aaron had mortgaged his properties to a William Stewart.
3 Sons: Aaron, b. 1738, Moses, b. ca. 1740, and Richard. Daughters listed in file: Susannh, (b. 26 Dec. 1742, m. Snodgrass,) Rebecca, Elizabeth (m. Gassaway Watkins), and Mary, Ann, and Rachel. One of these are not Aarons dau.
Tucker Family Data
Col. Moses Rawlings / John Rawlings of John Rawlings of Richard / Justice John Rawlings (b. c1705- d. 1756)
Aaron Rawlings, Guardian of Richard and John Rawlings
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