![]() Governor Leonard Calvert calls an assembly, which meets at St. Inigoes Fort. He informs the members "that they weare caled hither as Freemen to treat and advise in assembly touching all matters as freely and boldly wthout any awe or feare and with the same Liberty as at any assembly they might have don heretofore, and that they weare now Free from all restraint of their persons and should be Free during the assembly Saveing only to hymselfe after the end of the Assembly, such charge as he had or hath, against any for any cryme committeed since the last generall Pardon." Calvert then has six witnesses sworn, who testify that the Governor "afore their comeing upp out of Virginia declared to all the Souldiers in publicke and to these deponents in particulr... that if he found the Inhabitants of St Maries had accepted his pardon for thier [sic] former rebellion and weare in obedience to his Lorp the Souldiers weare to expect no pillage there but he would receave the inhabitants in peace and only take aid from them to the reduceing of Kent." The pardon referred to probably explains the terminal date of the amnesty given in the Act for Oblivion passed on April 29, 1650. Archives 1: 209 (quotes); (40). -- Lois Carr, Margaret Brent -- A Brief History |
Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 310
Court and Testamentary Business, 1647.
31th may
Joane Rawlins deposed sayth, tht she knoweth not whither ifran: Posey sett on any dogs on the plfs hoggs & sayth more our tht she saw the deft doe what he could in taking the dogs from of the hoggs & knoweth not whether any one putt the dogs on the hogs or not.
Antho: Rawlins deposed sayth tht he being not att home, knows nothing. The Court dismissed the deft wthout day
![]() | June 9, 1647: Death of Leonard Calvert“As for the cause of Calvert's death, there is no information. However, he was not sick for long. On June 1, he was presiding in court. (11.) I have sometimes speculated that illness prevented his return to Maryland sooner and weakened him for whatever sickened him that June. One Doctor Waldron was called from Virginia to treat him. (28.)”-- Lois Carr, “Margaret Brent-- A Brief History” |
praised by 2 sworne men Anthony Rawlins and George Manners.
The Corne is 16 Barrells at 60 p Barrell is 960
The Tobacco is valued at..................600
The Servant at..........................2000
Somme total 3560
(Court and Testamentary Business), 1647.
Sept: Ralph Crouch aged 29 or there abouts [b. 1618] made oath that he was prsent when Richard Cox made his will in his last sickness: the 4th of Septembr being the day before he died videliz. in manner following by Word of Mouth: I do giue and bequeath unto Anthony Rawling, all my corne now growing, Wth all the pease beanes and pumpkins, that are in the feild. I doe further giue vnto the sayd Anthony fower hundred pounds of tobb, dew unto me from Captaine Tho: Cornwallis as a deed of guift from the sayd Captaine and further this deponent sayth that in his hearing the sayd Richard Cox gaue all that he had besides vnto the sayd Anthony: and further he deposeth not
![]() | According the the Georgetown University Special Collection Archives, Ralph Crouch was a Jesuit Brother: “...the history of the collections was extended back in time to include books supposed to have been in a collection at the grammar school started by a Jesuit brother, Ralph Crouch, at Newtown Manor in 1640.” |
Sep. 7: Anthony Rawlins maketh claime of the Estate of Richard Cox deceased and desired lerrs of Administration to be granted unto hym of all lands goods, Chattles, belonging vnto the sayd Richard Cox, according to his last will and testiment: Ordered that the sayd Anthony, shall haue lèrs of Administraon granted to hym forth wth the will being proued by the testimony aforesayd:
Septr 7th The will of Richard Cox approued by Anthony Rawling, and the Adm: committed vnto the sd Anthony:
haueing made oath to bring in Inventory in 10 dayes, and accont afore the first of decembr next; vnless further tyme giuen by the Gouernor And to cause the estate to be praysed by the oath of 2 men:
Septm: 11th Thomas Greene Esq goumner of this Prouince Authorised Robb. Clark to take the depositions of Ellis Beach, and George Mannors to prayse the Estate of Richard Cox deceased.
Volume 4, Page 331 Court and Testamentary Business, 1647
Sept 27th:
Anthony Rawlins executor of Richard Cox complayneth against Cuthbert Phenick gent atturney for Capt: Tho: Cornwallis in an action of debt of 100 l of tobb.
Volume 4, Page 333 Court and Testamentary Business, 1647. 333
Septemb. 30th 1647
In the case of Antho: Rawling vrs Phenicke atturny of Rich: Cox: the defenden doth not acknowledg any such thing dew; iudgment was the defend was dismist
Cuthbert Phenick complayneth against Antho: Rawlines execut: of Ric. Cox in an action of debt of 454 l and 3 barr. of Corne
defendt denied the debt to be dew.
December 20,1647:
Cuth: ffenwick gent demandeth of Anthony Rawlins fiue hundd & thirty pownds Tob: due by Bill, & three hundd uppon acct
Thomas Gerrard Esqr att the request of Anthony Rawlins sayth uppon his oath That sometime in ffeb: 1644 he this Dept being aboard Ingles ship riding att an anchor neare Heron Iland, saw an acct shewed vnto this Dept by Mr Ingle (wch to the best of his knowledge was under Mr ffenwicks hand) wherein amongst other accts the sd Anthony was charged by the sd Mr ffenick debtor for one thowsand weight of Tob: & through the pretence of that acct he the sd Ingle deteyned the Tob: & refused to giue the sd Anthony any acct therfore saying tht if the Tob: belonged to the Gouernor Mr Copley, Capt Cornewalleys or Mr ffenwick, itt belonged to him. But this dept sayth tht hee saw noe further authority, then by tht acct to demand or receiue the Tob: of the sd Anthony & further he sayth not
Tho: Gerrard
Juratt coram me
Tho: Greene
Att a Court held at St. Marys, January 1647. Present: Governor, and Mr. Brent
Vppon the demand of Cuth. ffenwick: gent. plf agst Anthony Rawlins deft for 830 l
the Deft pr Attornat Walt. Gwest confesseth, tht hee did owe the Tob. but sayth tht hee payd the Tob to Mr Ingle. And craueth to haue his cause tryed by a Jury.
The Jury finding for the Deft The Court dismissed the plfwthout day.
Jan. 22th, 1667 Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Adam Staueley 2 barrells Corne, due by bill. & charges of Court. wart to the sheriffe met. 30 ffeb:
Anthony Rawlins brought in acct of the estate of Rich: Coxe deceased. l Tob |
ffeb. 23. (1647-8)
Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Robt Clarke Gent.one barrell of Come, dew by Bill, wart to the Sheriffe ret. p Mar.
Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Mrs Margarett Brent his LPS Attorney 300 l Tob: & cask The sd Tob: being the remainder of 460 l & cask assigd unto the sd Anthony by Nic: Gwyther & Tho:Ê Jackson. And likewise 2 barrells of Corne assigned by Adam Stauely.
Court and Testamentary Business, June 2, 1649.
At the request of Anthony Rawlins Administrator of Richard Coxe deceased, and vpon pvsall of the Inventory of the said decedents estate, and the said Administrator had paid more then the value of the Estate in the Inventory menconed, and nothing being said to the contrary after publique proclamaconÊin open Court. It is ordered that the said Administrator shallhave his Quetus est.
A Quiet Est to Anthony Rawlingson}
Cecilius &c To all the Inhabitants and Anthony Rawlinson people within our said Province of Maryland and to all others whom these presents shall concerne Greeting.
Whereas at a Court held at St Maries within our said Province the first day of this instant moneth of June At the request of Anthony Rawlins Admr of Richard Cox deceased and vppon pvsall of the Inventory of the said decedents estate and theÊsaid Admrs Accompt of the same vppon Record It appearing that the Admr had fully Administred and nothing being said to the contrary after publique pclamacon in open Court It was ordered that the said Admr should haue his Quiet est. Vppon consideracon whereof these are to will & require you & every of you that from henceforward you desist & forbeare any further to sue implead molest or psecute the said Admr for or concrning the said Estate or any part thereof as you will answere the contrary And wee doe hereby require Or Leivt cheife Governor and Chanc. or Keeper of or great seale of Or said Province for the time being and all and every Or Counsellors Comandrs & Comissioners & all other Justices Judges & Magistrates within Or said Province by vs appointed & authorized & to bee from time to time by vs or our heires hereafter appointed & authorized for matters of Judicature, that they & every of them be carefull from time to time as occasion shall require to see our Will & pleasure herein before declared to bee duely observed & pformed according to Justice And that in case the said Anthony Rawlinson shall happen at any time hereafter to bee sued impleaded or psecuted in any of our Courts of Justice within our said Province contrary to our true intent & meaning herein before signified that they & every of them then prsent in Court shall admitt of and allowe this Quietus est for a lawfull & sufficient Plea in barr to all & every such suite Accon or demand In witnes whereof wee haue caused or secretary of our said Province to publish the same vnder our great Seale of our said Province of Maryland Given at St Maries the said first day of June Anno dni 1649
Witnes Or said Secretary Tho: Hatton
Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Tho: Gerrard Esqr an account of certaine tobbaco receaud by the sd Tho: Gerrard in the yeare 1644 in the quantity of 1 700 wt tobb: and for what he receaud it and for this bringeth his action.
Subpena: Walter Broadhurst [son in law of Thomas Gerrard m. Ann Gerrard moved to Westmoreland Co. Va. by 1650] in causa. Antho: Rawlins vr Tho Gerrard
Subpena James Walker [was transported as servant by Thos. Gerrard in 1642] in causa: Antho: Raw: Vr Tho: Gerrard
Vnto the demand of Anthony Rawlins plf agst Tho: Gerrard Esqr deft the plf wthdraweth his action.
Anthony Rawlins, complayneth against Edward Hudson for wrongfully takeing Corne out of the grownd of the sd Anthony much to the dammag of the sd Antho: and for this bringeth his action
warrant to the Shreife retur: prmo decemb.
Decembr po
Elizebeth the wife of ffrancis Posey[transported by Cuthbert Fenwick in 1643- Francis Posey bought her from Fenwick] att the request of Anthony Rawlins sayth uppon her oath tht somtime in July last this Dept walking wth Gooddy Munday [immigrated w/ husband and child in 1646-may have moved to Kent Island in 1648] & Edw: Hudson through the Come tht did belong to Mr Clark, & Rich: Cox. unto the Tob: howse. As they all returned homward to the howse of Thomas Munday, the sd Elizabeth saw the sd Edward Hudson pull of certaine eares of Corne out of the foresd feild, belonging to the prties abouesd & carried them into the howse of the sd Munday [Carr says he r St. Michaels Hundred] & further shee sayth not.
The mrk of
Elizebeth + Posey
Between November 3 and November 7, 1651 Andrew Watson deposed that he had stayed at Edward Hudsons House in 1650: Andrew Watson testified that about July or August, 1650 he stayed at the home of Edward Hudson for a fortnight or so. While there, he saw Edward Hudson and Dorothy Holt go to bed together as if they were man and wife. He said that they told him that Dorothys husband was dead and he thought that was true until some of the neighbors told him differently.According to the notes by Linda Reno in her essay about the Holt- Hudson problems, Andrew Watson immigrated to Maryland in 1650. In 1668, Andrew Watson has apparently moved to Stafford County, Virginia, where a Nicholas Rawlins witnesses his power of attorney for a land transaction with Gerrard Browne.
Could this be the Nicholas Rawlings who died in 1675/6 , leaving widow Elizabeth and an unnamed orphan? This Nicholas was a cooper who resided in St. Michaels/St. Georges Hundred, who assigned away his land in Maryland. His widow Elizabeth died in 1677, leaving her estate to Elizabeth Mackey for the raising of her orphan by way of an oral will. Elizabeth Mackey was the widow of John Mackey and resided in St. Georges Hundred. John Mackey had been the chief creditor and merchant administrator of Barbados merchant Robert Cuthberts, and had been a servant of Edward Packer. Elizabeth Mackey remarried Spracklin. |
Jan 24th 22th Jan 1647. |
-2 Sep 1648- Anthony Rawlins demands 250 acres of land for transporting of himself, his wife and one child into the province in Ano 1645 and 50 acres div. to Richard Coxe deceased in respect of his service to Mr. Coxe by whose time of service expired about five or six years since [1642] whose executor the said Rawlins is and by the assignment of Capt. John Price acknowledged before the governor 50 acres div. ot the said Capt. Price in respect of his own transportation into the province about eight or nine years since and 50 acres more div. to him the said Rawlins as servant to Mr. Justinian Snow in this province whose time of service ended about 10 years since [1638] and confirmed by Mr. Gerrard in court. Warrant to the surveyor to lay out to Anthony Rawlins 400 acres of land upon the Patuxent River over against Sakamakitt or upon Wiccocomico River. LP Vol. ABH p. 15. Anthony Rawlings of Maryland and His Decendants , by Robert Rawlings Bockmiller, Catonsville, Md. 1987.
By reason tht none of the Counsell of this Prouince were prnt in Court, the Gour ordered tht all causes should be tryed by a Jury of 12 men.
Ed: Packer, Robt Sharpe,ÊTho: Mathewes,ÊJno Hatch, mr Clark, mr Wyatt, Mr Pyle, Tho: Hebden, Mr Wiseman, ffr: Posey, Robt Smith,Ê Tho: Allen, Ant. Rawlins, G. Manners, Nic: Keytin.
Vppon the demand of Anth: Rawlins plf uers Robt Clark gentn deft for Come
The dft acknowledgeth the demand & the Court fownd for the plf.
Anth: Rawlins demandeth 300 l Tob: & cask due by Bill of Phillip Authers. warrt to the Sheriffe ret. June next.
Att. a Court held at St Maries 6 Aprilis Êprnt Gouernor
Vppon the demand of Anth: Rawlins plf,Ê uers his Attorney Mrs Marg: Brent deftÊfor 360 l Tob: The plf wthdraweth his action & likewise he wthdraweth for Corne
◊Wm Harditch was son-in-law of Thos. Sturman; & m. Nat. Pope’s dau. by 1659- moved to Va. by 1650. ◊Thomas Sturman immigrated in 1640 and brought with him his wife, daughters Ann and Elizabeth, his son, John, and two servants. Mrs. John Sturman was transported by Thomas Sturman in 1648.John Sturman lived here until about 1653 when he and his father were ordered to pay damages to Lord Cornwallis who accused them of being leaders in Ingle’s Rebellion. They left Maryland and resettled in Westmoreland Co., Virginia where John Sturman was living as late as 1698. (St. Mary’s Families) ◊ Thomas Copley (alias Father Fisher) (1594 Ð1653) was chief of Jesuit Mission, particularly regarding its financial affairs. |
Robt Smith deposed sayth That Tho: Sturman had a pyed calfe before the Rebellion in the country & tht to his certaine knowledge there was likewise a pyed calfe, tht came unto Popes ffort somtime tht summer, wch was marked Tho: Sturmans marke in the sd ffort, out of some other marke wch it had before. But what mark it had afore hee remembreth not. And further he sayth he beleiueth in his conscience tht that calfe soe marked in Popes ffort, was the same calfe, tht he knew to haue fallen of the sd Tho: Sturmans, before the Rebellion.
Anthony Rawlins deposed sayth That the left slitt eare ofÊ the pyed Beast now in question betweene Wm Harditch & Mr Copley; Both ends appearing to bee cropd beside the slitt he ueril beleiueth in his conscience was neur soe cropd, of purpose, by any one, but tht it accidentally came to the sd crop. [Was Anthony Rawlings at Fort Pope during the rebellion?]
Andrew Munroe deposeth idem ad uerbu qd Ant: Rawlins
And the Jury retur. their Verdict in writing fownd for the plf & the Dft to pay Court charges. And the Gour ordered tht it should be entred for the iudgmt
![]() | Fisher, Rev. Philip, S.J. (alias Thomas Copley),to Lord Baltimore, St. Mary's City, April 3, 1638. Baltimore's endorsement summarizes the contents: "heerein are demandsof very extrauagant priuiledges." Fisher sought, "while the gouerment iscatholique" to establish the right of sanctuary; to free the Jesuits frompublic taxes; to work toward the establishment of an ecclesiastical court;and to "freely goe, abide and liue amonge the Sauages, wthout any licence to be had here from the Gouernor, or any other." (MHS) |
“In 1645, Father Fisher [Thomas Copley] was wantonly seized and carried in chains to England, with Father Andrew White, the founder of the English mission in America. After enduring many hardships he was released, when he boldly returned to Maryland (Feb., 1648), where, after an absence of three years, he found his flock in a more flourishing state than those who had opposed and plundered them. That he made an effort to enter the missionary field of Virginia, appears from a letter written 1 March, 1648, to the Jesuit General Caraffa in Rome, in which he says: "A road has lately been opened through the forest to Virginia; this will make it but a two days' journey, and both places can now be united in one mission. After Easter I shall wait upon the Governor of Virginia upon business of great importance." Unfortunately there is no further record bearing on the projected visit.-- Catholic Encylcopedia ![]() RESURRECTION: The Story of the Saint Inigoes Mission MARGARET BRENT -- A BRIEF HISTORY © Lois Green Carr Jesuit Plantation Project: Maryland’s Jesuit Plantations: 1650-1838 The American Mission (Georgetown University Library Special Collections) |
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Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Mrs Margarett Brent his Attorney 300 l Tob: for non payment of 2 barrells of Corne the last yeare due by assigmt from Adam Staueley one of his Lps Soldiers. Summons to Mrs Brent ret. Octobr Court.
Att a Court held att St Maries 3 Octobr; prnt Gouernor; C. Giles Brent
Vppon the compit of Anthony Rawlins plf uers Mrs Margarett Brent his Lps Attorney deft for 3001 Tob:
The deft denyeth any Tob: to be due; but acknowledgeth 2 barrells of corne due, the last yeare, unto Adam Staueley one of his Lps Soldiers, whose assigne the sd Anthony Rawlins is. And having not Corne ready to satisfy, prayeth, tht further proceedings may bee respited, till the sd Corne bee raysed out of his reuenues.
The plf replyeth, That he hath beene much damnifyed for want of the Come, in prouiding himselfe Corne att great rates, & therfore desyreth, tht bee may haue paymt for the Corne as the common rate was in the Country, when tht Corne was due.
And prayeth to be tryed by the Jury. And the Jury returned their Verdict in writing Nothing due to the plf But the Corne. Whereuppon the Court Ordered it to bee entred for the iudgmt & the plf to pay charges of Court.
Anthony Rawlins sayth uppon his oath, That Mr Clarke did promise this dept to pay him the same quanty in Tob: as this dept should pay, for a barrell of Come, wch this Dept recouered of the sd Mr Clarke by order of Court in Aprill last.
Wart to the Sheriffe to warne Anthony Rawlins not toÊdepart the Court, before he testify in the cause of Wm Harditch.
Att a Court heldÊatt St Maries 7 Octobris. Prnt Gouernor,Capt G. Brent.
Bee it knowne unto all men by these prnts tht I Tho: Pasmore doe hereby assigne & sett our unto Anthony Rawlins 100 acres Land, due unto me for a serut I brought into this prouince. Viz Henery Baker Tho: + Pasmore wittnesed by Rich: Browne |
Willm Harditch declareth uppon his oath (att the request of Capt Giles Brent) That a bauld pyde heighfer mrkd wth Sturmans mrk, & sold by Jno Sturman to Anthony Rawlins, is not to his knowledge a heighfer of Mr Pyles stock. And further heÊdeclareth tht a calfe, wch was calfed of a Cow of Mr Brents commonly called old Motley, as he hath heard, was allso calid Motley wth a bawid face, & mrkd wth Tho: Sturmans owne mrk.
But whither the pyde bawld Beast sold as afore to Ant: Rawlins, be tht Beast he knoweth not. And tht somtime this spring the calfe called Motley, he hath heard his ffather Sturman say, was dead, & not afore.
Giles Brent Esqr complayneth agst Willm Harditch & Anthony Rawlins, for making a priuate conueyance betweene themselues of a Bawld-facd heighfer, wch was mismarkd by Tho: Sturman's howshold. & for ailmost this 2 yeares space hath beene reputed a Beast belonging to the sd Giles Brent.
warrt to the Sheriffe as followeth.
Whereas Giles Brent Esqr hath made complt tht Wm Harditch wthout the priuity of him, the sd Giles Brent, hath sold, & deliuered to one Anth: Rawlins a pyed heighfer wth now for allmost 2 yeares last past, [c.1646] hath passed in common estimaon for a calfe of a Cow of the sd Giles Brent's stock. formerly in iuriously taken away from him, by Tho: or Jn Sturman. And whereas the sd Wm Harditch examined uppon oath, hath dd, tht he doth not know the foresd Beast to be tht for wch he hath sold it, to witt the calfe of a Cow of Mr Jno Pyle.
These are therfore to authorize & appoynt you (the sd private contract not wthstanding) to putt the sd Giles Brent in possesn of the sd pyed heighfer, Hee securing you for the redeliuery of her, & her increase, In case tht by Decembr Court, The foresd Sturman or Harditch shall bring good proofe, tht this is not the calfe, of the foresd Giles Brent's Cow. And it is declared hereby That the Burthen of making proofe for the cattle tht hee the sd Sturman or Harditch are possesd of under his or their mrk, & shall claime for his or theirs; is not putt uppon them for any other reason or cause, but because they haue bene heretofore manifestly conuicted of taking & possesing cattle of the foresd Giles Brent & others iniuriously.
To the Sheriffe ret. Decembr Court.
Mrs Margarett Brent hath made complt agst Anthony Rawlins for making a pryuate conueyance wth Willm Harditch of a blackish heighfer, wth a white Belly marked Cropd one eare, & slitt & underkeeld the other eare wch sd heighfer did not eur belong to the sd Harditch, or Tho: Sturman. Butt as shee probably beleiueth, belongeth unto Mrs Ewre
warrt to the Sheriffe to the Tenure of writt suprain caa Giles Brent uers Ant: Rawlins & Willm Harditch, ret Decembr Court.
Att aCourt held att St Maries 30 Nouernb. t
& for prflt Court warned. John Maunsell, John Warren, Dan Clocker, Lt Rich: Banks, Edw: Cottam, Walt. Waterlin, Edw: Hull, George Manners, Ant: Rawlins, Robt Sharpe, Hen: Pountney, Edw: Packer, Robt Kedger., Hump: Howell., Walt. Smith.
Humphrey Howell demandeth of Anthony Rawlins 340 l Tob. & cask being the price of a gun, wth the sd Humphrey payd to the Anthony wch sd gun was taken from the sd Humphrey he consenting thereunto wch attatchmt by the Sheriffe & deliuered to Wm Smoote, who made just claime thereof. where uppon the sd Humphrey humbly requyreth tht the price of the sd gun may be againe repayd him, by the sd Anthony.
warrt to the Sheriffe ret Decembr Court.
4 Nouembr Anthony Rawlins Petth tht his Bill of 475 l Tob & cask wch he passed to Jno Sturman for a heighfer (wch sd heighfer is taken out of his possesn by auth. of this Court) may not be pleadable, unlesse he may be assured of his bargaine.
Ordered according to the Pete
Nouembr 6: Anthony Rawlins cornplayneth agst ffrancis Poesy, for tht he the sd Poesy sold him a gun for 350 l Tob, (wch is already satisfyed to him) & did not of right belong unto him. Wherfore he requyreth tht the sd Poesy may be ordered to repay him the sd price for the gun, or to proue his right thereunto.
warrt to Sheriffe ret. Decembr Court.
Att a Court held att St Johns 4 Decembris.
Present: Gouernor, C. Giles Brent, ÊMr Tho: Gerrard
Sheriffe ret. Warrt for Jury & warned
John Medley, Willm Browne Walter Peake, John Neuell, Rich: Neuett, Jno NunneÊ Jno ShirtcliffeÊ George Manners, John Court Jno Grimsditch Willm Whittle Phili: Amber, Willm Assiter, Hum: HowellÊ Ant. Rawlins, Jno Norman. Mr Robt Clarke, Robt Ward, Tho: Mathewes, ffran: Poesey.
Cask. Anthony Rawlins demandeth Attatchrnt uppon the Estate of Jno Hallowes of Appamatucks, for 300 l Tob & 023 cask ffor transporting Jno Waltham out of the prouince who was indebted unto the plf in soe much, att his departurehence.
Attatchrnt to the Sheriffe ret. Jan: Court next.
Decembr 5: Walter Gwest demandeth of Anthony Rawlins 300 l Tob & cask dew by COut from the sd Anthony, in undertaking & affecting busines for him.
wart to the Sheriffe ret. Jan. Court next.
Sub. pena Wm Steuenson to testify
Sub pen‰ to Edw: Hull to testify in ditta ca‰, att the demand of Ant: Rawlins.
Sheriffe returned his writt for Grand Jury & Warned Jno Hatch, Rich: Browne, Ant. Rawlins, Edw: Hull, Tho: War, Hen: Spinke, Walt. Waterlin, Jno Greenold, Jno Holfhead, Geo: Manners Rich: Bennett, Wm Hungerford.
Att a Court held attÊ St Johns 6o Deceml,r (GouernorÊPrnt C.G. Brent. Mr Tho: Gerrard
Vppon the Petn of Anthony Rawlins he was requyred to produce euidence tht the Bill specifyed in the Petn was gyuen for the price of the Beast therein specifyed. Whereuppon he produceth the Oath of George Manners clearely to tht effect. Vppon wch the Court adiudged his sd Bill to bee deliuered in, to the sd Rawlins. wch was done in open Court.
To the worll Tho: Greene Esqr Gour &c: The humble Petn of Anthony Rawlins. Sheweth That yor Petr passed his Bill to Jno Sturman in consideraon of a heighfer (to the ualew of 475 l Tob & cask) wch sd heighfer the sd Sturman assured unto yor Petr & gaue Bill of Sale therfore. But the heighfer is now taken out of yor Petrs posse & deliuered into the possn of Capt Giles Brent. by order of this Court, untill the sd Sturman shall make appeare tht the sd heighfer is iustly belonging to him. Hee humbly therfore craueth tht hee may not be sued for the sd Bill, nor impleaded therfore, unlesse the s4 heighfer bee assured unto yor petr And he shall eur pray &c: |
Court and Testamentary Business, 1648-9.
Edw: Hull att the request of Anthony Rawlins sayth uppon his oath That Walter Gwest being att Anth: Rawlins howse about this time tweluemonth, demanded of the sd Anthony to sell him an Axe, wch he then held in his hand.
And the sd Anthony replyed saying I giue you tht Axe in satisfaction for yor paynes in being my Attorney agst Mr ffenwick.
And the sd Walter Gwest made noe reply therto, but carryed away the Axe & further bee deposeth not.
Jurat. Cora GourEdw: Hull
Att a Court held att St Johns 10 ffeb.
It is allso this day Ordered, being the last day of the Court, tht WillÓ' Edwin, Anthony Rawlins, & Jno Hatch (who being called & not appearing) shall be Nonsuited in their seuerallclaimes touching Jno Hallowes & their Attatchmts uoyd.
Ralph Beane demandeth of Anthony Rawlins 798 l Tob & cask. & dammage wart to the Sheriffe ret next June Court
Henry Adams maketh oath that about twelve monethes since hee being servant to Mrs Margaret Brent was by her sent to fetch a heifer from Anthony Rawlins who vppon this deponents demand of the said heifer said that the owner of that beast was never in Maryland or words to that effect to this deponents best remembrance
Robert Robins maketh oath that sometime in September 1647 hee being at the House of Richard Grigson at the back River in Virginia informed the said Grigson that this deponent was then shortly to come to Maryland who therevppon tould this depont that hee had then a Heifer in his Penne belonging vnto one Anthony Rawlins of Maryland, and requested him this depon to goe with him to the said Penne and this depont accordingly went with the said Grigson hither where hee then shewed this depont black Heifer with a white Starr in her forehead and tendred the said Heifer for the said Rawlins his vse and desired this depont to certify the said Rawlins of such his tender, and that the said Heifer was there ready for him or Words to that effect. Robins made this Oath vppon Surnons
The matter in question betweene Mrs Margarett Brent on the behaulf of Mrs Ewre plf and Anthony Rawlins deft being for a Heifer wch as the plfe alleadgeth the deft had by a private Conveyance from Wm Hardwich and wch did never belong toÊ the said Hardwich or Thomas Sturman but as she probably beleiveth vnto Mr Ewre. Vppon debate whereof and vppon oath made This Court conceived there was some probability that the said Heifer was one of Mrs Ewres stock and might have beene heretofore plundred, and doth therefore order that the said William Hardwich shall by Michas next pemptorily prove his right and title to the said Heifer or in default thereof this Court will adiudge it to bee Mrs Ewres.
And that a Coppy of this order to bee left at the dwelling house of Thomas Sturman for the said Hardwich 14 dayes or more before Mich‹l shalbe sufficient notice.
Vppon the hearing of the matter betweene Raphe BeaneÊplfe and Anthony Rawlins deft the plfes suite being for Tobacco due vppon two severall Bills by one whereof the deft was to pay vnto the plfe 708 l of Tob and Cask vppon the tenthday of November 1647 and by the other the deft was to pay vnto Walter Beane or his Assignes 440' of Tob. and Caske vppon the tenth of No: last. The deft confessed 335 l of Tob: to bee due vppon both Bills, Wch was also agreed vnto by the plfes Attorney It is therefore ordered that the deft shall pay vnto the plfe the said 335 l of Tob. in Caske together also with damages for the same at 25 l p Cent for one yeares forbearance vnles by October Court next the deft make proofe that the same or part thereof was duely tendered to the plfe or his vse, and in case such proofe bee made hee is not to pay damages for the Tob: soe tendered.
October 1, 1649: Anthony Rawlings registers his cattle and their marks: (Provincial Court Procedings)
Anthony Rawlings his owne marke for Cattle and Hoggs viz: The left Eare cropt and two slitts in the right Eare.A yeareling Bull bought by him of Andrewe Monroe : left Eare cropt. & right Eare over and vnderkeeld
Also in 1649:
One weaning Calf which hee had of Capt Stone brought as neere as hee can to his owne marke being formerly of Capt Stones marke
One brownish pied heifer bought of Mr Greene of his Lopps Stock and marke with a starr in the forehead.
Two Sowes bought by the said Rawlings of Walter Waterling
One sowe bought by him of Walter Beane, the right Eare cropt and the left Eare vnder keeld
Rawlings Anth: con Marks Pheypo. debt. Warrt cod
October 30, 1649: Anthony Rawlings transactions re: Anne Rawlings, his dau. (not of age) and Margaret Rawlings, his dau. (not of age).
(Court and Testamentary Business), 1649.
30mo Oct. Anthony Rawlins this day maketh over a Cowe Calf for Anne Rawlins his daughter to her vse which Calf was bought of Capt Willm Stone the nowe Governor of this Province wch was then of his Marke but is nowe brought as neere to the said Anthony Rawlins his Marke as bee could wch Calf bee giveth to his said daughter in liewe of a Sowe shote formerly given to her by John Harwood wch the said Anthony hath taken to his owne vse Provided bee the said Anthony or who hee shall appoint is to haue the vse of the said Calf and her increase till his said daughter come to age
The Marke of Anthony A Rawlins
Testor Tho: Hatton
30mo Oct Anthony Rawlins maketh over vnto Margaret Rawlins his daughter a Cowe Calf of his owne Marke saving a little snipp cut out of the cropt Eare in exchange for two Sowe Shotes given to her one of them by Edward Hull and the other by Mary Edwyn wth hee hath received to his owne vse. Provided that the said Anthony is to haue the vse of the said Calf and her Increase till his said daughter come to age.
The Marke of Anthony A Rawlins
Testor Tho: Hatton
Rawlins Anthony con John Ashley. debt for 520 l of Tob: & Cask
Rawlings Anth: con Marks Pheypo. debt. Warrt cod
Court and Testamentary Business, 1649 - 50. ( Vol 4, page 539)
Anthony Rawlings Ptf. John Ashley deft. 25 January
The deft being arrested at the Pltes suite in an Accon of debt for 520 l of Tob: and Caske due by Bill & Accompt the warrant being returnable this Court The defendt came this day and acknowledged Judgmt therevppon for the said debt being five hundred and twenty pounds of Tob: and Caske as aforesaid. Vt Testor Tho: Hatton Secr.
John Sturman plaintiff. Margaret Brent Attorney of Capt. Giles Brent Deft.
The plaintiff craveth to bee releived touching a Cowe by him heretofore sould to Anthony Rawlins out of whose possession shee was taken by vertue of an Attachmt at the suite of Capt Giles Brent vppon informacon that she had beene reputed the said Capt Brents Cowe And afterwards by order of the sixt of december 1648. in regard the plte nor his father had not appeared to make proofe It was ordered that the said Capt Brent should keepe the said Beast as his owne And the plte alledging bee had not any notice of that order nowe produced two Oathes wch are as followeth viz:
Thomas Youll being examined and sworne saith, that the Cowe that Anthony Rawlins had in his possion did not belong to Capt Brent, and the Calf of the said Cowe wch did belong to the said Capt Brent is dead and was black with a great Starr inÊthe forehead And further saith not
Tho:Ê Youlle
Jurat in Cur teste me Ro: Sedgraue cI de Corn NorthumblandGeorg Watts being examined & sworne saith, that the Cowe wch Capt Brent hath received out of the possion of Anthony Rawlins is none of Capt Brents Cowe And further saith that the Heifer wch hee the said Capt Brent claymeth is dead andfurther saith notÊ
Sign Geo: Watts
Jurat in Cur teste me Ro: Sedgrave cl de Corn Northumbland.
And the deft Mrs Margaret Brent acknowledged that her brother Capt Giles Brent never had any Cowe out of Anthony Rawlins possion but the Cowe in question Whereby it manifestly appeared vnto this Court that the said Cowe did not belong to Capt Giles Brent as was formerly supposed It is therefore ordered vppon the proofe and acknowledgrnt aforesaid that the said former order bee discharged And the said Mrs Brent in whose possession the said Cowe nowe is shall deliver vpp the possession thereof to the Plaintiff vppon demand