Name: Aaron RAWLINGS Birth: 1667 Anne Arundel Co., MD Death: 6 Apr 1741 Anne Arundel Co., MD - All Hallows Parish Occupation: Planter Father: Anthony RAWLINGS (2) (1643-1709) [Note: This is a controversial assertion, but one piece of possible evidence of a connection, is that an Anthony Rawlings appears on the long list of patients who owed Dr. William Jones (Susanna Jones father) money at the time of Dr. Jones death.] Mother: Catherine | ![]() | 1: Susanna JONES1Birth: ca 1677 Death: [Incorrect date-see depostion 1745]1 Dec 17232 Father: Dr. William JONES (ca1650-ca1680) Mother: BEARD [?] Marriage: ca 1694 Anne Arundel Co., MD Children:
William (ca->1744) Aaron (1706-ca1757)m.Susanna, sister of Richard Beard Moses (1708-1741) Jonathan (ca1720-1784) Stephen (ca1721-1783) Ann (-1762) |
The Scotch system of naming children which was often followed although not always strictly adhered to was to have the first male child named after the paternal grandfather, the second male child named after the maternal grandfather and the third male after the father. Likewise the first female child was named after the maternal grandmother, the second female child after the paternal grandmother and the third female child after the mother ... The Scottish Genealogical Helper. No 4, 1975. |
6 July 1703 - bought 200 acres in Prince Georges Co. called Topers Range [Note: I believe this may have been Ropers Range, which may have been the former orig. patent Ryleys Range, which was in the described location] , between the Western Branch and Collington Branch.:folio 109 Indenture, 6 Jul 1703. From: Richard CLARKE of Anne Arundel County, Gent. To: Aaron Rawlins, planter of Anne Arundel County. Thomas ROPER of Prince George's County by indenture 17 Apr 1702 did convey unto Richard CLARKE 200 acres of land part of a greater tract called "Roper's Range"; Richard CLARKE sold this land for 243 pounds to Aaron RAWLINS; Bounded by land of Samuel DUVALL and Richard BUTTS. Signed: Richard CLARKE. Witnessed: Edward MERIARTE and Mareen DUVALL Memorandum: 26 Jul 1703 Elizabeth CLARKE was examined by Richard JONES, Jr. and Samuel CHAMBERS. Alienation: 10 Nov 1703 the sum of 8s for 200 acres paid by Aaron RAWLINGS. Certification: Richard JONES and Samuel CHAMBERS, Justices of the Peace in Anne Arundel County, acknowledged this deed before J. BOARDLEY, Cleark for Anne Arundel County. Recorded: 18 Sep 1704 ["Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland, 1702 to 1709", Abstacted by Elise Greenup JOURDAN from the Microfilm CR 49,514-2 Prince George's County Court Records Liber C, Archives of Maryland, at pp. 25, 26]
1706/06/07 Mortgage, Aaron Rawlings to Jonathan Scarth, (incomplete) (Bowie Collection Accession No.: MSA SC 103-1-3Location: 00/ 8/13 )
1707 - We whose names are subscribed have run out the land of Charles Tilley called Timber Neck which the said Tilley bought of Aaron Rawlins who had it by his wife Susanna, daughter of Dr. Jones, dec., which Jones bought from Richard Beard, Sr., who had it of Richard Fester, which Fester bought of Richard Huggins, AA Co. South side of South River, north side of Beards Creek, alias Jacobs Creek, on the east by Shepards Cove. 100 acres. Likewise 50 acres of land which the said Dr. Jones bought of the said Richard Beard, Sr., out of tract called West Udington.
16 May 1707 - Grantor: John Contee, Charles Co., Esq. Grantee: Col. Henry Darnall, Prince Georges Co. Consideration 349.15 pounds. Description: Aron (sic) Rawlings, in consideration of 390 pounds paid by Jno Contee, and by deed dated 3 May, 1705, sold to John Contee all that tract called Bridge Hill, northward of Ann Arundel Manor in the woods, bounded by Stocketts Run, containing 563 acres. The indenture includes the whole tract.
17 Sep 1707 - Grantor: Aron (sic) Rawlings, AA Co., planter Grantee Charles Carroll, port of Annapolis, Gent. Consideration £119.05.02 - Description: That moyety of land being the Southernmost part of tract called Jones Lot, lately occupied by Robt. Kirkland, containing 175 acres. On 3 Sept Aron drew three bills of exchange for the consideration amount on Thos. Bond of London, mercht., payable to Charles Carroll. When this is paid, this Indenture is null and void. Nov. Court 1709, Charles Carroll Sr. acknowledged he is satisfied for the above mortgage.
1709 - Witnessed mortgage transaction
All the family trees I have seen have Justice John Rawlings (d. 1756, wife Anna Sophia) as the son of John Rawlings (Aaron Rawlings ward, and son of Richard Rawlings d. 1696). The only basis for this seems to be extrapolation, assuming that Aaron Rawlings gave John Rawlings Ropers Range because he was the son of his ward, John Rawlings. But there are problems with this theory, if it is a theory. First, Aaron Rawlings ward John Rawlings m. Eleanor Ridgely on January 13, 1711 or 12, and son Johns birthdate is given as June 13, 1718. So in March, 1735, this John Rawlings would be short of his 17th birthday, and a minor, unless there is a mismatch in the dating system. Secondly, John Rawlings, presumably Justice John Rawlings, gives his age as 50, in 1754, in a deposition regarding land nearby to his own. He states that he was a chain-carrier with or for John Dickerson in 1735. That is a fourteen year difference from the birthdate of John Rawlings, son of Aaron Rawlings ward. |
Margaret Clarke | |
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C.E. Peck
6855 Pea Neck Rd.
St. Michaels, Md.