From: Genealogy, History and Picturesof The Descendants of |
DAVID1 SELLECK was born 27 February 1613/14 in Overstowey, Somerset, England, and died Bef. November 1654 in Accomack Co., Virginia. He married SUSANNA KIBBY 01 October 1638 in Tauton, St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Somerset Co., England1 , daughter of HENRY KIBBY and RACHEL LINDON. She was born 1616 in England.
- DAVID2 SELLECK, b. 11 December 1638, Dorchester, MA.2; d. 1663, Barbados.
- MAJ. JONATHAN2 SELLECK, b. 20 May 1641, Dorchester, MA.3,4, d. 10 January 1712/13, Stamford, CT5; m. ABIGAIL LAW, 11 May 1663, Stamford, CT; b. 1637; d. 20 December 1711.
- CAPT. JOHN2 SELLECK6, b. 21 April 1643, Boston, MA7; d. Aft. 1689, an unknown place, perhaps at sea; m. SARAH LAW8, 28 October 1669, Stamford, CT9; d. 8 November 1732.
- NATHANIEL2 SELLECK, b. 18 July 1645, Boston, MA10.
- JOANNA2 SELLECK, b. 11 December 1647, Boston, MA11.
- ELIZABETH2 SELLECK, b. 01 February 1651/52, Boston, MA12.
- SUSANNAH2 SELLECK, b. Bef. 10 November 1653, Boston, MA13; d. 10 November 165314.
The Earl of Bellmont, in a report to the English Lords of Trade, said of Stamford. “There is a town called Stamford in Connecticut colony, on the border of this province, where one Major Selleck lives. He has a warehouse close to the sea, that runs between the Mainland (Long Island). That man does great mischief with his warehouse, for he receives abundance of goods from our vessels, and the merchants afterwards take their opportunity of running them into this town. Major Selleck receives at least ten thousand pounds worth of treasure and East India goods, brought by one Clarke of this town from Kidd's sloop and lodged with Selleck” --The Stamford Historical Society, Condensed History of Stamford.
English Records
In the English parish register of Overstowey in Somerset County is this entry, "David Selleck the sonn of Robert Selleck was baptized the 27 February 1613." (Dr. John T. C. Sellick & Darlene Kern). (The date given is that under the old calendar. On our modern calendar, the date would be 27 February 1614.) David was a very rare name in Somerset at that time and of two Davids found to date this one is believed to be the ancestor of most of the Sellecks in America.It is possible that David Selleck first came to New England after his marriage in 1636.
In the Wells, Somerset, marriage license records the following is given.
28 September 1636
David Selleck, Diva Mary Magd. Tauton, sopeboyler and Susanna Kebby, same, spr. There Bond. Nathaniel Selleck, Netherstowie, generosus, Osmund Spreat, Tauton Magd. butcherThe translation by Dr. John T. C. Sellick is: David Selleck of St. Mary Magdalene Taunton, soap boiler, and Susanna Kebby of the same parish. Bond given by Nathaniel Selleck, gentleman, of Nether Stowey, and Osmund Spreat, butcher, of Taunton St. Mary Magdalene.
Married: David Healicke & Shusana Kibby 1 October 1636. (Found by Dr. John T. C. Sellick in Philimore's 20-volume set of Somerset marriages) Dr. Sellick indicated in 1994 that the capital letters of the 1600s are "often difficult to read by the modern eye." Thus the 'H' in Healicke could have been 'S' making Sealicke. He further indicated that the 'eal' is pronounced as 'ell' in modern words such as health and wealth. Thus, this is probably our David.
Dr. Sellick also wrote in 1995 "that the license was granted just three days before the wedding took place.
New England Records
"David the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 11o (10o) 1638 [11 December 1638, old calendar] (New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2 p. 401)1639"21: 10 mo.: 1639 md (21 December 1639) That the Daye aboue written Dauid Sellecke sould vnto Mr. Tho. makepeace 16 acres of Land Lyeing and bounded accordinge to a deed beareinge Date with these prsents." (Dorchester Town Records, p. 48)
On 20 November 1640, David Seleeke was added to the rolls of the First Church of Dorchester as a member "of the same body, by profession of faith and Repentance and taking hould of the Covenent before the congregation." (First Church Dorchester, Church Records 1636-1845, p. 5)1641
"Jonathan the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 20o (3o) 1641 [20 May 1641, old calendar] (New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2 p. 401)7th day, 12 mo., 1641 [7 February 1641]: A free school was established in Dorchester for the instruction and teaching of children and youth in good literature and learning. David Sellecke one of the subscribers. The School was located on a portion of land in Dorchester called Tomsons Island. (Dorchester Town Records, pp. 104-106)
On the 24th, 12th mo., 1641 [24 February 1641, old calendar] David Sellick bought a lot, house and shop in Boston. William Aspinwall had built them in 1639.
Valentine Hill of Boston granted vnto David Sellecke of Boston his house wch was mr Aspinwalls wth the barbers shopp & all thereto ptaineinge wth the rest of the ground that is not sould to John ffrend as low as the standing of the pale at the writeing hereof. And further I doe ingage my selfe to giue him possession by the first of June next wth the same passage that John ffrend hath to the wharfe. in witness whereof I haue sett to my hand this 24 (12) 1641. p me Valent. Hill [Recorded 27 (12) 1648.]
(Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Liber I, p. 100.) The name of David Sellocke appears in the list of names of the male inhabitants of the town of Dorchester in 1641. (New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5 p. 391)
On 18 May 1642, David Zullesh [Selleck] was made a freeman. (Mass. Gen. Court Colony Records, Vol. 1 & 2, p. 315) Before a member of society could exercise the right of suffrage, or hold any public office, he must be made a freeman by the general or quarterly court. To become such he was required to produce evidence that he was a respectable member of some Congregational church. (New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 3, p. 41)1643
Admitted: The 25th day of ye 1st month 1643 Susan Sellicke, ye wife of one David Sellicke (First Church Boston, Admissions 1630-1847, p. 61) Susanna Selleck was admitted 25 March 1643 under the old calendar.Baptism: The 23th day of ye 2d month 1643 (by or Teachr) John ye sonne of or Sister Susan Sellick ye wife of David Sellick being about 3 days old (First Church Boston, Baptisms 1630-1847, p. 32)John Selleck was baptized 23 April 1643 under the old calendar.
On 5 June 1643, "...There is liberty granted to the said James Oliver and Mr Edward Tynge to straiten their street palls from David Sellecke, his corner post, unto the said Edward Tynge's Diall-poste." (Boston Public Records, Part I, page 75.)
On 23 March 1644 [old calendar] David Zalleck [Selleck] & George Halsall & Elizabeth his wife were admitted into membership of the First Church of Boston. "All of ye upon [letter] of Dismission from ye Church at Dorchester & having declared their spirituall estates to ye Elders in private." The 23th of ye 1st Moneth 1644. (First Church Boston Records 1630-1647, p. 67)Furious pursuit of Wealth: Trade in West Indies
From 1645 until the end of his life, David Selleck "furiously pursued wealth." (Larry D. Gragg, "The Early New England-Barbados Trade," Historical Journal of Massachusetts, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p. 197.)In 1645 soapboiler David Selleck, brewer Isaac Grosse, and Mariner Thomas Keyser, all of Boston, "adventured" money on a voyage to the Madeiras, Guinea, Barbados, and back to Boston. They selected James Smith, who commanded the Rainbow, to carryout the commercial enterprise. Keyser, who had served under Smith previously, went on the voyage to protect the investors' interests, a role which brought him into conflict with the shipmaster. After obtaining wine and slaves on the first leg of the voyage, they proceeded to Barbados. While Smith arranged for the sale of the wine and handled some personal matters on the island, Keyser took control of the vessel. He refused to unload the wine; instead, apparently under instructions from David Selleck, who had sent him a letter, Keyser stranded Smith and sailed for Boston. After Smith secured passage back to New England, he initiated a series of lawsuits and appeals to the General Court, an effort which resulted in losses for all involved. The General Court ruled that Keyser had to pay Smith £140 in damages and that the three financial backers would receive no interest on their investments. (Larry D. Gragg, "The Early New England-Barbados Trade," Historical Journal of Massachusetts, Summer 1989, Vol. XVII, p. 1989; James Kendall Hosmer, Winthrop's Journal, Vol. II, Barnes & Noble, Inc., NY, p. 252; Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of Massachusetts Bay, Vol. III, William White, Boston, p. 58.) (Also see Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of Massachusetts Bay, Vol. 2, p. 105 and Vol. 3, p. 291; Elizabeth Donnan, Documents Illustrative of the History of The Slave Trade to America, Vol. III, Octagon Books, Inc., NY, 1965, p. 6; James Kendall Hosmer, Winthropês Journal, Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1908, p. 252.)
Baptism: The 27th day of ye 5th mon: 1645 (by or Pastor) Nathaniell Sellick ye sonne of or brother Mr. David Sellick being about 9 dayes old (First Church Boston, Baptisms 1630-1847, p. 50).Nathaniel Selleck was baptized 27 July 1645 under the old calendar.
On the 20th, 11th mo., 1645 [20 January 1645, old calendar] David purchase from Christopher Lawson a house and garden bounded with the "streete or highway westward, the common marsh towards the north and east: and John Hill & Nathaniel Long towards the south: together with a lane of ten foote leading to the said garden. Also the warfe or land lying afore the said house in breadth forty two foote and lenght fifty sixe foote according to the grant of the General Court: and this was by an absolute deed of sale dated 20 (11) 1645." (Public Record of Boston, Vol. 2 p. 21)
Robert Saltonstall of the above named Bill assigned twenty pounds to David Selleck to be payd in Corne or Cattle.
Dated indorsed 8 (2) 16468 (2) 1646. A Copie also of a Bill wherein Robert Harding of Boston obligeth him self to pay unto Robert Saltonstall 39li sterl in good merchantable sound west Indie Tobacco at 5d the pound to be delivered in June next. Dated 11th ffeb. 1645. of wch bill Robert Saltonstall assigned 20li unto David Selleck
(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 14) "In 1646, [David Selleck] purchased 300 acres in Rhode Island, along with the accompanying buildings, equipment, and livestock." (Larry D. Gragg, "The Early New England-Barbados Trade," Historical Journal of Massachusetts, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p. 197.)
[All ship names have been italicized regardless of whether they were underlined in the original document.]
7. (3) 1646 An Attest unto a Generall Release from David Selleck unto Lewis Davies from the beginning of the world unto this day.
7. (3) 1646 An Attest unto a Generll Release from Lewis Davies unto David Selleck.
7. (3) 1646 An Attest unto an Assignment of an eighth part of the Shipp Greyhound wth the appurtenances from Lewis Davies to David Sellecke.(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 14)
David Selleck of Boston in the Massachusetts Soapeboyler granted vnto Sampson Lane Mr [master] of the Ship Neptune of Dartmouth the house & fferme [farm] of Mr Thomas Wannerton, vizt [videlicet=namely] sixe Acres of broken vp land therto adjoyneinge, ten Acres of Marsh ground neere adjoyning thereto, & two hundred Acres of Vpland adjoyneing vnto Capt Champnoones, together wth all outhouseing fences, other lands, comons, rights & priviledges therevnto belonging, & this was by an absolute deed of sale dated 3 (6) 1646. Acknowledged before John Winthrop Governor the 8 (6) 1646.
[Recorded 8 (6) 1646.]
(Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Liber I, p. 77.)
This was the house and farm of Thomas Wannerton consisting of 16 A, and 200 A adjoining Capt. Champernoone.
(Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Liber I, Index.)
29. (7) 1646 A tre of Atturney from Dav: Selleck to Edmund Leach of Newhaven mercht to aske leavie recover & receive of Nathaniell Duncan Junior of Boston Mercht the sume of lxijli xs- [62 pounds 10 shillings] due to him for part of his Catch called the Adventure sould by the said Nathaniell in Virginia & of the receipt to give acquittance & to doe say pursue implead arrest &c: & power to substitute one Atturney or more wth like or limited power: (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 23)
30 (7) 1646 David Selleck of Boston soapeboyler acknowledge to have received for the Account of Mr Henry Ashurst woolen Drap. at the signe of the 3 kings in Watling Streete in London the sum of ffifty pounds sterling & doth hereby bind himselfe his execut. & administrators unto the said Mr Henry Ashurst in double summe uppon this Condition that if the sd David pay or cause to be pd unto the said Henry Ashurst his execut. administr. or assignes or any of them the aforesaid sume of ffifty pounds strl wth in ten dayes after his arrivall at London or uppon the last of July next ensueing the date hereof wchsoever shall first happen at the signe of the 3 kings in watling street in london aforesaid, that then this present Obligacon shalbe utterly voyd or other wise to remaine in full force & strength In witnes whereof the said Appearer hath put to his hand & seale. Thus don & passed in the town of Boston & in the presence of the sd Notary. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 24)
Be it knowne by these presents that I Robert Saltonstall of Boston in the Massachusetts gent for good & valueable consideration by mee in hand reeeiued [sic] haue give granted bargained & sould & by these pntes do giue grant bargaine & sell vnto David Selleck of Boston Sope boyler all that house & fferme of mr Thomas Wannertons at Strawbery banke together wth all the outhouseings fences & sixe Acres of land broke vp adjoyneing to the house, & ten Acres of Marsh ground neere adjoyneing thervnto, as also two hundred Acres of vpland adjoyneing vnto Capt Champernoones, together wth all other lands Comons rights & priviledges to the said house belonging or in any wise appertaineing, to haue & to hould the said house & prmisses to him & his heires for ever, Wch sale & title I the said Robert Saltonstall shall & will against all men warrant & defend by these presents. In witnes whereof I haue here vnto put my hand & seale this 3 [6] mo: called August Anno dni 1646 Robert Saltonstall & a seale Sealed & delivered
in the presence of
William Aspinwall
Notarius publ:
[Recorded 15 (11) 1646.]
(Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Liber I, p. 80.)
David Selleck of Boston in the Massachusetts Soapeboyler granted vnto Sampson Lane Mr [master] of the Ship Neptune of Dartmouth the house & fferme [farm] of Mr Thomas Wannerton, vizt [videlicet=namely] sixe Acres of broken vp land therto adjoyneinge, ten Acres of Marsh ground neere adjoyning thereto, & two hundred Acres of Vpland adjoyneing vnto Capt Champnoones, together wth all outhouseing fences, other lands, comons, rights & priviledges therevnto belonging, & this was by an absolute deed of sale dated 3 (6) 1646. Acknowledged before John Winthrop Governor the 8 (6) 1646.
[Recorded 8 (6) 1646.]
(Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Liber I, p. 77.)
Bee It knowne by theise presents yt I Dauid Sellick of Boston Soape boyler do Absolutely sell & make ouer vnto Christopher gipson of Dorchester Chanler [chandler] halfe of all my vtensells & materialls yt belongs vnto my trade of Soape boyleing viz, halfe my furnace, soape howse salte howse & seller [cellar] vnder ye said Soape howse with twelue hogsheds of oyles halfe my boate, greate & littell Beame, my fatts Ladell & truell [trowel] wth ye Land now is vsed about ye said trade from ye lower pales yt parts my garden & ye sope yarde to ye furthest extent of my Lande adioyneing to Mr Coles Land, & on ye east side bownded wth Mr Jeames olliuers [James Oliver's] land & on ye west side bownd with ye Land of Isack groases, halfe wch lande & with halfe of ye Aforementioned perticulers I ye said Dauid Sellich doe sell to him & to his wife If shee suruiue [survive] him for as longe as shee liues a widdow vnto wch tyme wee are to be in partnership as appeers by Artickls of Agreemt. beareing date ye 14th 6. 1646, as may more fully Appeare & If then ye said widow shall happen to marry & soe their partnership shall be at an end, then ye said dauid sellich shall pay vnto ye said widow, as much as her part of ye vtensells & materialls shall then be worth, as they shalbe Apprysed by two indiferent men [new page]
Men/ In Witness whereof I haue heereunto set my hand And seale ye 10 of the 7: 1646.Dauid Sellich
wth SealeMemorandum before the sealeing & deliuery of theise presents ye said Dauid Sellich do sell half of ye twenty foote way yt is betweene mr hills warehouse & mr Coles howse, yt is to say lyberty for passage According as ye said Dauid Sellecke hath It from mr Vall. Hill, Testor, Edwi Tyng, John Lake/
ye Land and howses beig left out in ye sale of ye said Christopher gipson, wife bach againe to mee ye said Dauid Sellich. when shee shall happen to marry, It is intended the howses & land to be part of ye vtensels & matterialls within mentioned/Dauid Sellich Christopr Gibson Edward Tynge testyfyeth yt his name on the other side is of his owne wrighting and yt he was a wtness vnto ye Couenant there writen/ taken vpon oath this 15o: 12o: 1654 before mee Ricrd Bellingham Govr Entred and Recorded this 15th february 1646
p Edw Rawson Recorder [Recorded 8 (6) 1646.]
(Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Liber II, pp. 111-112.)David Selleck was known as a "soap boiler" until he sold half of his soap making interest to Christopher Gipson. Thereafter he was known as David Selleck, merchant.
27 (5) 1647 A Copie of the Originall Bill of sale of the ffrigott Called the Content. (of the burden of fourty Tunns) ffrom Capt ffrancis Rawstorne of London unto David Selleck of Boston Mercht for 112li wch he acknowledged the receipt of: wth warrantie against all men from all suites trouble incumbrances claimes & demands perill of sea fyre & enemies only excepted. Dat. 2. (7) 1645 & by me attested 27 (5) 47. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 65) On 14 September 1647, David Sellick bought lot 3 from Edward Wells. Sampson Shore's house and garden (lot 1) was northeast, John Hill's (lot 2) northwest, cooper John Milom's (Mylom) house and garden (lot 4) southwest and the Cove southeast. (The Book of Possessions, page 89.)
Baptism: The 13th day of ye 10th mon: 1647 (by or Pastor) Johannah Sellicke ye daughter of or brother David Sellicke being about 2 dayes old (First Church Boston, Baptisms 1630-1847, p. 75).Joanna Selleck was baptized 13 December 1647 under the old calendar.
11 (11) 1647 Dav: Selleck constituted Owen Toder his Atte to aske levie &c: of John Thomas of Newhaven a debt of Jli xvs due to him by assignement fro Edw: Wells; also a bill of Robert Hawards. Dat. 23. (2) 1647. & of Robt Loudnams of Wethersffield dat 26 (2) 1647. assigned also by Ed: Wells. & Also iiijli xvijs remainder of a Bill of John Tailers dat. 20th August. 1645. assigned to him by Wm Southmade. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 102) 1648
David Sellocke & Nathaniell Patten presented the will of William Brinsmeade to the Court on the 15 May 1648. ([Abstracts of] Suffolk County Wills , Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1984, p. 30)
7 (6) 1648 David Selleck a Bill to pay for vessell Susan 3li 5s per hund. & Covt of Lanclet Baker to finish it & mast it & do the joyners worke & to beare halfe the vessels chardge till cleared belowe the bridge at Mistick.
Also a Bill of sale of ½ the said vessell from Lanclet Baker to David Selleck:(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 131)
1 (9) 1648 David Selleck of Boston did constitute Capt Richard Malbone of New Haven his true & lawfull Atturney granting him power to aske leavie &c: of Tho: pell of New haven Chirurgeon [Surgeon] the summe of three hundred pounds wch he stopped or detained & due damages, & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to compound & agree & to sue impleade &c:
Also an Assigment was made by Dav: Selleck unto Edmund Leach to receive the said summe & whatsoever Capt Malbone shall recover & to give him a discharge:
Also I attested a Copie of the Oath of Dorothie Tilson taken before 27th Apr: 1647
the 2. Novemb. 1648(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 141) David has contracts from 15 Virginia planters notarized by William Aspinwall of Boston.
14 (9) 1648 This bill bindeth mee Cornelius Lloyd my heires Execurs & Administratrs to pay unto David Selleck mercht his heires or assignes the full & just summe of nine hundd pounds of good merchantable [tobacco] in leafe & caske at or before the tenth day of Novembr next. witnes my hand this 24th of September 1648.
witnes Thomas Marsha: Cornelius Lloyd
2. This bill bindeth me Wm Rabnet my heires Executrs or Administrators to pay unto Mr David Seleck his heires Administratrs or Assignes the full & just summe of two thousand fyve hundd pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco in leafe & Caske to be pd at my now dwelling house. at or uppon the last day of October next ensueing as witnes my hand this 9th of Sept: Anno. 1648
As also I doe further oblige my heires or Administrators to pay unto the sd Mr David Selleck his heires or Administrators the summe of foure hundd pounds of good merchantable tob: & Caske at the time & place above said as witnes my hand this 9th of Septemb: 1648Supscribed Mr Rabnetts bill for 2900lb of tobacco.
witnes Robert Pyland
Wm PostgaiteWilliam Rabnett 3. This bill bindeth me Thomas Owen my heires Executors & Adminstr to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New: England mercht. the full & compleate quantity of twoe thousand pounds of merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco
[New page]
wth sufficient Caske payable uppon demand conveniently in Warwick River. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand this 18th of Sept. 1648Supscribed Mr Owen his bill of 2000 of Tobacco 1648
Test John Bennet
Roger Grosse.Tho: Owen. 4. This Bill bindeth me Roger Grosse of upper Norfolke in Virginia my heires Exec: & Administ to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New: England Mercht. or to his Assignes the full quantity six hundred & fiftie pounds of Merchtable Virginia leafe Tobacco wth sufficient caske in some convenient place in Nansamme River payable uppo demand. witnes my hand this 18th of Septemb: 1648
Supscribed Roger Grosse his bill for 650lb of Tobacco.
Test John Bennet
Tho: Owen.Roger Grosse
16485. Bee it knowne unto all men by these prsents that I Edward Prince of James Citty do bind my selfe my heires Execut & Administ: to pay unto David Selleck of New England Mercht or his Assignes the xth day of Novembr next in good Merchantable tobacco the just summe of foure hundred & fifty pounds. In witnes of the truth I have hereunto put my hand this 8th day of Sept. 1648
Supscr: Edward Prince his Bill to Mr Selleck for 450lb of tobacco the xth Novemb: 1648.
to David Selleck this bill belongs
William Posgaite.Edward Prince 6. These pnts witnes that I Robert Ewens do acknowledg to stand & bee indebted unto David Selleck Mercht of Boston in New England the full & just summe of six hundred pounds of sound Merchantable Virginia Tobacco & caske due to be paid unto the said David Selleck or his Assignes at all demands, as witnes my hand this 16. of Sept. 1648.
Witnes John Sutton. Robert Ewen. 7. This bindeth me John Stringer my heires Exec & Administ. to pay unto David Selleck Mercht or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of one hundd pounds of Merchantable tob. payable uppon demand witnes my hand this 28th of August. 1648.
Test John Bennet
Tho: Owen.John Stringer 8. This shall oblige mee Tho: Burbage my Exec or Assignes to pay unto David Selleck Mercht or his Assignes the sume of eight hundd & seven pounds of good Tobacco in leafe wth Caske at Demand witnes my hand this 14th of July. Ano 1648.
Supscribed Capt Burbage bill for 807//.
Witnes George Lobb- Thomas Burbage [New page]
9. This bill bindeth Thomas Davies of Chuckatucke in Virginia gent. my heires Exec & administr to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England Mercht or to his Assignes, the summe of three hundred & thirty pounds of Merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & a sufficient hogshead to containe the sd tob. at or before the tenth of octob: next at my dwelling house at chuckatucke aforesaid. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand this 29th of June 1648Supscribed 1648 Mr Thomas Davies to pay 330lb: tob: & caske 10s 8bris.
Teste Thom: Owen Thomas Davis 10. This Bill bindeth mee Henry Peat gent my heires Exec or Assignes to pay or cause to be pd unto David Selleck Mercht of New England the full & just summe of one thousand seven hundd & fyve pounds of sound merchantable Virginia tobacco in leafe & caske, due to be paid att or the first of Novembr next ensueing the date hereof. as witnes my hand this 11th of July. 1648.
Supscrip: on the one side Mr Henry Pitt bill for 1705 pounds of tobacoe & caske. on the other side Mr Henry Pitt for 1705li tob.
Witnes John Sutton
David EwenesHenry Pitt 11. This Bill bindeth us John King Lawrence Ward & Thomas Hinson of the Isle of Wight County in Virginia & either of us jointly & severally or heires Exer & Administrators to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England Mercht or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of one thousand & fiftie of merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & caske in some convenient place in the Isle of Wight County aforesaid at on or before the tenth day of October next.
Witnes or hands this 4th July. 1648.Superscribed 1646 " Mr John King Law: Ward & Tho. Hinsons Bill for 1050li tob: & caske: 10s 8 bris.
Test after the interlineing
of these words (& Cask)
in the presence of
Tho: Ward
Tho: OwenJo: King
Law: Ward
Tho: Hinson12. Theise presents bindeth me Tho: Burbage my heires & Assignes to pay unto David Selleck of New England Mercht or his Assignes the summe of one hundd seventy fyve pounds of good tobacco in leafe at demand. Witnes my hand this 15th of 7ber. 1648
Tho: Burbage. 13. Dated in Virginia the 14th of July 1648. This Bill bindeth mee Robert Ewins my heires Executors & Administrators to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England mercht or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of
[New page]
three thousand two hundd eighty fyve pounds of Merchantable Virginia leafe Tobacco wth sufficient Caske in some convenient place in Nansammd in one entire paymt at or before the tenth day of October next. Witnes my hand the day & yeare first above written.Supscribed Robt Ewins bill for 3285li & caske.
Test Tho: Owen
Robert Wickles.Robert Ewen.
Dated in Virginia 14o July 1648"14. This bill bindeth mee Thomas Owen my heires Execut & Administrators to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England Mercht or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of nine hundd seventy seaven pounds of Merchantable tobacco & caske, at or before the first of Novembr next in some convenient place in Warwick County. witnes my hand the day & yeare ferst above written.
superscribed Thos: Owen bill for 977li.
Test: william Posgaite. p me Tho: Owen.
Dated in Virginia the 1th of July 1648."15. This bill bindeth mee Cornelius LLoyd of lower Norfolke gent my heires Execute & administrators to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England Mercht or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of seventeene hundd & fyve pounds of Merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & sufficient caske payable at or before the tenth day of October next Witnes my hand this day & yeare above written.
Supscribed. Mr Cornelius LLoyd for 1705li.
Witnes after the interlineing
of these words (pay unto) in
the presents of us
Tho: Marsh
Tho: OwenCornelius LLoyd (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, pp. 146-149)
15. (9) [1648] Dav: Selleck of Boston constituted Edw: Harrison of Virginia His Attr to recover all debts &c: from all & singular psons in Viginia wth power to substitute one Attr or more &c: 15. (9) Edw: Harrison gave Dav: Selleck a bill acknowledging this receit of the 15 bills mentioned p. 146. 147. 148. & 149 of this booke & one ton Mackrell & one Hun Cur fish recd & bond himselfe to be responsall as also for the freight to be recd of some passengers.
(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 150)
24. (9) 1648 I attested a bill of sale of ½ the Hull of the Susanna frõ Edw: Johnson to David Sellock: & bill from each of them to other for paymt uppon the psenting of Accounts about the sd ship. wch is to be at Boston. 1 (10) 48. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 152)
27. (9) 1648 I attested a Copie of the ffreight of the Shipp Planter Divided by Tho: Savage, Dav: Selleck & James Oliver appointed by the Generli Court: wch here followeth:
Wee whose names are by the Court Appointed a Comittee to set out the freight of the Shipp Planter they not accounted for betweene Mr Tyng & Mr Hill 2/3 & for Mr Gainer 1/3 all the sd freights being prsented to be as followeth.
li s d ffrom Mr Richbell
ffrom Mr Tinge
ffrom Paul Allistre
ffrom Mr Clarke
ffrom Mr Rashley
ffrom Mr Yeo
ffrom Mr Russell
ffrom Mr Hill
ffrom Mr Gainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91.00.00
03.00.00208.17.05 Wee the Comitte do sett out the said freight as followeth.
li s d li s d Mr Richbell to Mr Hill
Mr Tinge to Ditto . .
Paul To ditto . .
Mr Clarke to ditto . .
Mr Russell
Mr Yeo
Mr Rashley
Mr Hill to
Mr Gainer to60.00.00
00.00.00To Mr Gainer . .
To ditto 1/3 out . .
To ditto . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .31.00.00
03.00.00139.05.00 69.12.06
p Thomas Savage
p David Selleck
p James Oliver.(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 153)
18. (10) 1648 I witnessed a bill of sale of 1/16 of the Speedwell from Nathaniel Patten to David Selleck. & a bill & also a bond of David Selleck to Nathaniele Patten. the bond is 80li for paymt of 8li 10s p anm for 5 yeares. 18 (10) 1648. John Holland constituted Dav: Selleck his true & lawfull Attr: granting him power to aske &c of all & singular psons in Virginia or els where all such sume or sumes of money tobacco or other goods as are due to him by assignemt from Jonathan Brewster. & of the receipt &c: as in other trs of Attr wth power to substitute one Attr or more wth like or limited power &c:
(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 156) Valentine Hill sold lot 90 on the above map G including his house and garden to David Sellick on 27 February 1648. On map G the street is south, William Pierce had lot 89 west of David Sellick's lot 90, and James Oliver had lot 91 to the east. (The Book of Possessions, page 104.)
13 (4) 1649 I attested a Copie of a Charter partie betweene Garret Lamberdson, & David Selleck Valentine Hill & James Oliver. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 200)
6 (8) 1649 Joshua Hues granted a tre Attr [power of attorney] generall for all debts from all psons in Virginia unto David Selleck wth power of substitution. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 222)
6 (8) 1649 I attested a bond of Mr Selleck of 500li to Edmund Leach & Thomas Pell. (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 222)
6 (8) 1649 I attested a Copie of a Charter partie betwixt Mr Wm Brenton & David Selleck on the one pt & James Neale on the other pt. . . . .
Also a Condition betwixt James Neals & Alexandr Clements wherein the sd Clements stands obliged for pformance of all such Covenants as are made betwixt Ja: Neale on the one ptie & Mr Wm Brenton, David Selleck, & Christopher Johnson of the other pties concerning the freightment of the shipp Orange tree
(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 225)
6 (8) 1649 Bee it knowne by these presents that I David Selleck of Boston in New England mercht do acknowledge my selfe indebted unto Wm Hudson of Boston aforesaid Inkeep in the just summe of thirty fyve pound sterl, wch I promise to pay unto the sd Wm Hudson Junior or his Assignes in London wth in ten dayes after my arrivall in England whither I am now bound by way of Verginia. And in case of non paymt in England as aforesaid I the sd David in case of non paymt in England as aforesaid I the sd David do oblige my selfe Executors & Administrars in double summe to pay or cause to be pd unto the sd Wm Hudson or Assignes the sd summe of thirty fyve pounds here in New England wth all such Damage as the sd Wm Hudson shall suffer for Default of payment as aforesaid witnes my hand & seale this 10th of October 1649
Sealed & Delivered
in presence of
Samuel Bellingham
William Aspinwall.David Selleck
& a seale(Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 231) 1650
6 (8) 1650 David Sellecke of Boston granted unto Peter Butler of the same a tre Attr: to aske leavie recover & receive of all & singular psons in Virginia all & singular debt or debts summe or summes of money &c: & of the receipt to give acquittance &c. also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c to sue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: wth power to subtitute one Attr: or more &c: ratifying &c: (Transcription: Aspinwall Notarial Records 1644-1651, p. 294) 1651
Elizabeth Sellicke, daughter of or bro: Mr. David Sellicke [and several others] bapt. ye 8th 12, 1651 (First Church Boston, Baptisms 1630-1847, p. 106).Elizabeth Selleck was baptized 8 February 1651 under the old calendar.1652
At a Session of the Generall Court of Election, held at Boston, the 18th of the 8th Moth: 1648
. . . .
Mr David Sellake, craueing [craving] pardon for his offence in bringing some of the Irish men on shoare, hath his fine remitted, so as the first optunitie be taken to send them out of this jurisdiction. p cosilium. The sd Mr Sellake, on his request, hath libtie [liberty] for the bringing another Irish man on shoare, to endevour his recouery, pvided he giue bond to send him out of this jurisdiction when he is well.(Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of Massachusetts Bay, Vol. 3, p. 291.) 1653: David Selleck appears in the Records of the Eastern Shore of Virginia
On 16 April 1653 David Selleck, merchant of Boston, declared that John Macheele of Accomacke, Virginia, was his "true and lawful attorney." David set his "hand and seal" to the document aboard ship riding at Navisimum. The document was witnessed by William Whittington, John Bennett and John Lord. (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1651-1654, Vol. 4, page 165 and folio 165.)
[Caption gone. It is however: John Walton, his Depo. Opening words of entry gone.] " [---] Mr. Joseph Maning [---] Selliaks name [---] to be paid to any one of them and that Maning was Arrested in Virginia by Selliaks And further saith not John Walton his marke 21 9ber 1653 [21 November 1653]Jurat in Cur" (Northumberland County, Virginia, Court Order Book, Vol. 2, p. 41. Transcribed by Beverley Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Genealogical Publishing co, Inc, Baltimore, 1988.)
Mr. Hallowes his Depo "John Hallowes gent aged 38 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined saith that Mr Chichester tolde this De [---] Mr Joseph Maning [--] sell goods for him and Mr Selleake [---] bills for paymt of tobco to any one of them and further saith not John Hallows 20 ffeb 1653 [20 February 1653] Jurat in Cur Westmorlandis." (Northumberland County, Virginia, Court Order Book, Vol. 2, p. 45.) "In the case of David Sellick, Thomas Kimbold, Peter Butler, et al. of Boston, owners of the ship Mayflower, Peter Butler, master, taken at San Domingo by the Governour there, 17 August 1653, Peter Butler of Boston in New England, mariner, aged about 37 years, deposed that the Mayflower was built at Lynn in New England, that she went to Virginia for tobacco, and that she was driven, on her return voyage, into San Domingo, in the middle of November 1652, and was seized by the Governour, Don Andreas Perez Franto." (This is from the English "Admiralty Examinations" appeared in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 88, page 387.)
The inventory of James Astwood was given in Court 25 October 1653. Among the many that Astwood owed is listed "Mr Dauid Sellicke. (New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 8, p. 275)
At a Court held for the County of Northumberland the 20th of July 1654
John Powell agt Joseph Maning. [This entry mutilated] "Whereas it doth appear [xx] by [xx] Deposition of Mr. Hallowes and John Walton that Joseph Maning was imployed by Mr [---] and Mr Chichester and that the said Manning [---] Bill [---] name in Selliacks name or in Mr Chichesters name and whereas it doth appear by the oathes of Robert Lowe and Thomas Phillips that the said Maning did hire a sloope of John Powell and did not return the same againe but by his neglect was made unservicable and little worth The Court doth now ord'r that in respect the Sloop was hired for the getting in of Mr Chichesters Mr Sellincks and his owne tobo and meate That Mr Charles Ashton shall by the 20th of Novem next make paymt of 1000 lb of Tobo and caske with charges of Court unto John Powell for his said sloope [xx]."(Northumberland County, Virginia, Court Order Book, Vol. 2, p. 26.) David Selleck dies in Northampton County, Va, between Aug 6, 1654 and 7 Sept 1654
David Selleck died in Northampton County, Virginia, some time after signing a receipt on 6 August 1654 and before 7 September 1654. (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 7, ffol 62.) He was collecting tobacco for shipment to England.
The inventory of David's Virginia property was taken by George Holmes and reported 7 September 1654. (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 68.)
The Seaventh of Septembr 1654./
An Accott of what my late husband Mr David Sellicke merchant died possessed of wthin ye Collony of Virginia
Imspris Tobaco in Virginia due p [per] Bills & Accottes
given upon oath by George Holmes ye sumes£ tob one Hundred Twenty seaven Thousand one hundred Ninety Eight poundes of tobacco 127198 Item Thirty towe poundes one Shilling three £ s d pence sterlinge money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .01--03 Item materialls for one double Wind Mill in Maior [Major] Thomas Johnson his handes (the vallue not knowne.) Susanna Sellicke
(alis [alias] Tilghman)26th of June 1655./
This Accott above menconed is acknowledged to be ye iust [just] sume & quantitye of that Accott. given in open oath to mee Susanna Sellicke (alis Tilghman) accordinge to ordr of Courrt; I saye acknowledged
p me = George Homes./28. June 1655./
This accott of ye estate of David Sellicke merchant was prsented to ye Comissionres (in open Court) by George Homes accordinge to ye oath admrstred to him 28th of Maye 1655./ And this dept. declareth that hee was very sick att the tyme ye sd Mr Sellicke dyed. & Knoweth not what goodes (or other parte of the Estate then was in existence) But refereth answr thereof unto his Mris Susanna Sellicke (alis Tilghman.)George Homes./ Teste Edm: Mathews Clir Cur./
Recordatr secundo die mensis July 1655./
p Edm: Mathews Clir Cur Comit Northampton./ Virginia/(Northampton County, VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 68)
Att a County Court Holden att Northampton ye 2d of Novembr 1654./
Prsent Leift Collonll Obedience Robins/
Capt Edw: Dowglas Lt. Wm Waters Mr Anth: Hodgkins
Maior Peter Walker Lt Tho: Hunt Mr Jno NuthallForasmuch as this daye Mris Susanna Sellicke widdowe ye relict of David Sellicke merchant late in Virginia decd hath peticoned ye Court for a Comission of Admron upon her late dead husbandes estate for ye setteinge & orderinge of ye Estate (as next relacon thereunto) It is ordrd that a Comission of Admrcon bee granted to ye sd Mris Susanna Sellicke widdowe pvided yt She put in very suffict securitye to ye Court./
(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 54)
Tertio die Novembr Ano 1654.... This daye (Mris Susanna Sellicke widdowe ye relict & Admrstratrixe of David Sellicke merchant lately decd) Complayned to ye Court That mr Jno Macheele refused to delivr unto her the Booke of Accottes. (apptayneigne [appertaining] unto the Estate of her sd decd husband & shewed that great damage might accrue unto her for want of the sd Booke; It is ordrd by the Court yt the sd Jno Macheele forthwith deliver unto ye sd mris Susanna Sellicke widd & Admrxe of mr David Selicke the sd Booke of Accottes That she maye make use thereof (as occasion maye require)
(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 55)
Tertio die 2 Novembr Ano 1654.... It is ordrd by the Court that mr Wm Westerhowse shall forthwth bee pd out of the estate of Jn0 Lambert decd (accordinge to prcedinge.) The sume & quant. of Five hundd and 50£ of tobac. (in the handes of Mris Susanna Sellicke) due for phissicke als Exec./
(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 56) In Boston, the inventory of David Sellick taken on 6: 10: 1654 by Edward Hutchinson, Wilm Paddy. [The old calendar date for the inventory is 6 December 1654.]
Thomas Clark. £478; one horse prised by Christopher Gibson.
Thomas Clark. Thomas Clarke & deacon Wiswall deposed 4 Feb. 1657.
([Abstracts of] Suffolk County Wills, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, p. 113)[The following documents seems by our modern calendar to be chronologically out of order. However, the year 1655 did not start under the old calendar until New Year's Day March 25. February 1654 followed August 1654 under the old Julian calendar.]
The First of ffebur Ano; 1654 . . . . This daye Maior [Major] Wm Andrewes by this prt [part] declared to ye Court yt one Jno Georgeffield a seaman; belongeinge unto Mris Susanna Sellicke her pinnace, was a considerable tymme att his house; Accomodated wth dyett; lodgeinge, & such things as his prsent condicon required (upon the Coste & charges of ye sd Maior Wm Andrewes) it appeth yt ye sd Jno Georgeffeild did fall sicke (& after some tyme expired. hee departed his nrall [natural] Life att ye sd Maior Andrewes howse; & in his sicknes desired yt hee might bee decently burryed; And yt satisfaccon should bee made
[new page]
made [sic] out of his wages (in ye Handes of Mris Sellicke widdowe & Admtrx of her decdd husband mr David Sellicke mrchant It is therefor ordrd yt the sd Mris Sellicke widdowe, shall forthwth make paymt unto ye sd Maior Wm Andrewes ye sume & quant of seaven hundd pdes of tobac (out of ye sd Jno Georgeffield his wages) And soe much more cloath as shall make a sheete (in ye roome of ye sheete Maior Andrewes lent by bury the sd Skipp Georgeffield in) als exec./sexto die ffeburary 1654/ (Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 114-ffol 114) Susanna Selleck married Robert Tilghman between Feb. 1654 and May 1655
Sometime between February 1654 and May 1655 , Susanna married Robert Tilghman.
Bee it knowne to all men by these prsents that I Susanna Sellicke widdowe doe desire that in case there bee any will in New England of my late Husband decd Mr David Sellicke merchant & yt of his Estate wch is myne shall redower For a Joynture for my selfe (as longe as I live) And when I shall dye, shall have Liberty to dispose of it to whome I please: But in case there bee not a Will in New England I doe by these prsents give & grant the towe thirds of my whole Estate to my Children (belonging to my late husband Mr David Sellicke) Named Jonathan, John, Nathaniel & David (who is ye eldest) And the other third of the whole estate to mee (as above specified) As witness my hand this 15th of February 1654./
Susanna Sellicke/ye seale This Act of mine was
made before any ingagemt
to Mr. Robert Tillghman/Witnes Jno Nuthall Steph: Morsey [prob. Horsey] George Holmes/ I doe acknowledge that ye prmisses above mensioned are consented to by mee Robert Tilghman In ye prsence of Wm Waters = Levyne Denwood This deede of guift is this 29th of Maye 1655 Acknowledged (in open court) [words that seem to be 9th of May were crossed out] by Mris Susanna Tilghman & thereupon ordered to bee recorded/ Teste Edm: Mathews Clir Cur
Recordatr decimo die Jun ye 1655: p Edm: Mathews Clir(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 48) The following action was taken 28 February 1655 and recorded 8 January 1656.
Jno Michall Debetr [sic]
P obligacon past unto mr David Sellicke merchant; dated aboute August 1654
The sume sterlinge money (or tobac to ye vallue) I saye in money Thirty Towe poundes seaven shillings ffive penceCont Credr./
Ano 1654 receipt from mr David Sellick, dated 6th of August 1654 for ye sume of five pounds 00-2d
Ano 1653. ye 30th of Decembr pd to Wm Mums. (by a note charged upo mee By George Holmes (ye sd mr Sellicke his Apprntce)
in tobaco.-----200 £ tob
Ano. 1655. in Aprill pd (by my Attor. mr Jno Tilney for my use unto ye sd George Homes ye sume of . . . . £ tob
2359Ano. 1655./ 10th of May; pd to my Brother mr Oversey merchant by mr Robert Tillghman his note chargd upo mee. I saye pd . . . .
0390The 17th of August sixe Bushells of Baye Salte price 45 p bushell . . . .
02703229 This 19th of Novmbr 1655. This Accott acknowledged p Robert Tillghman./ These prsents witnessedth That each of us have made free choyce of one man (vizt) Capt Wm Wateres & mr Jno Custis, wholly & absolutely to determyne a difference dependinge betweene mee Robert Tillghman. & Jno Machaeill (concrneinge eithr a money or Tobac debt) who & att what rate P pde of tob shalbe vallued, For wch determynacon (as aforesd) wee ioyntly [jointly] bynd ourselves in ye sume of Five Thousand pdes of goode, sound, merchantable tobaco & Caske, to stand fully to ye Award of ye above sd Gentlemen, witnes our hande this 29th of January. Ano 1655./
Teste George Hacke, Symon Oversee Jno Michaell
Robert Tillghman./By the Request of mr Robert Tillghman & mr Jno Machell wee have ordred yt mr Robert Tillghman shall receive of mr Jno Michaell tobac. after ye rate of Eighteene shillings sterl. (ye hundd pdes) soe farre as shall amount to ye sume of Thirty towe pdes seaven shillinges sterlinge; wch is for one obligacon ye sd Michaell past to mr David Sellicke, decd; And is still remayneinge in ye Hands of mr Robt Tillghman (in parte of wch obligacon, wch was past in ye yeare 1654.) The sd Michaell hath pd By mr Robert Tillghman his ordr the sume of Three Thousand Towe hundd Twenty & nyne pdes of tobac. wth Caske, (As appeareth by Accott undr his hand dated 19th of November Ano 1655 & ffine pde as 2£ sterlinge wch was recd by mr David Sellicke As appeareth under his hand Dated 6th of August 1654.) This (accordinge to their Request) wee doe Awarde. In witness &c. &c. &c. [next page]
In witnes whereof wee have subscribed this 28th of Feburary 1655./ The wee have awarded by both ptyes consentes As appeareth by a Bond to stand to this our award./
Jno Custise
William Wateres./Recordatr vicsimo Octavo Mensis
January Ano 1656. p Edm: Mathewes Clir Cur./(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655-1657, Vol. 7, ffol 62-pa 63) According to the following document, by 17 March 1654 Susanna Sellicke had married Mr. Robert Tilghman her attorney in the settlement of her husband's estate. (The reader is reminded that 1655 didn't start until New Year's day March 25, and that the 1654/55 in this court record refers to old/new calendar dates.)
These certifye That I George Swanley (on my owne behalfe for soe much as I am properly interessed on adventure this prsent voyage in the shipp Providence, on wch Mr David Sellicke came super Cargo. to Virginia) allowe & Ratifye of what Mris Susanna Sellicke (als Tylghman) on her prsent husband Mr Robert Tilghman shall Act or doe; in yt voyages behalfe (pformeinge Comission)./ George Swanley:/ Teste George Homes/
March 17th 1654/55
Recordatr 14th of August 1655. p Edm: Mathews Clir Cur(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 69) 1655
28th March 1655
This daye the peticon of Maior [Major] peter Walker was taken into consideracon agt [against] mr Robert Tillghman (who marryed ye widdowe & Admrx of David Sellicke late of New England Merchant. decd.) whereupon it is ordrd that ye sd mr Robert Tillghman shall (upon demand) give suffict security to ye sd maior petr Walker That all such Tobacoe (appertayneinge to ye sd maior Walker wch are aboard ye shipp Providence[new page]
Providence [sic] of London where of Capt George Swanley is comandr shalbe delivrd to ye sd Maior Petr Walker (or his Asssignes in London att ye rate of eight poundes p Tun; wth charges; als Exec./
The sd Mr Robert Tillghman haveing taken Bills of Ladeinge for ye sd maior petr Walker [inserted above line: tob] in his owne name, wthout ordr from maior Walker. . . . .
It is ordrd by the Court That Mr Robert Tillghman (who marryed ye widdowe of David Sellicke merchant) shall forthwth make paymt unto Mr William Smarte (the Assigne of Lewis White) the sume & quant. of one Thousand, seaven hundd pdes of tobaco. & caske; wch is to bee satisfyed out of ye Tobac. in Coprnshipp [Co-partnership] wth ye sd Mr David Sellicke, merchant, & Company; due p spec.; forthwth to bee pd wth Court charges. als Exec./
. . . . .
29th March 1655
prsent more Capt Jno Stringer.
It is ordrd by ye Court That mr Robert Tillghman (who marryed ye Admrx of David Sellicke merchant) shall forthwth make paymt unto Mr John Browne one Runlett of sixe penny Nayles (to contayne Tenn Thousand of Nayles.) And ffoure yardes of french serge, this day pved [proved] bought & pd for longe since: to mr David Sellicke; to bee delivred att the playce ye goodes were bough [bought] & ye dft to pay Court charges als Exec./(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 144-pa 145) 1 May 1655
Cirtifict was this daye granted unto Capt Wm Whittington yt suffict price was made, & that ye sd mr Whittington (about ye first of ffebur last) bought att an out crye of mris Susanna Sellicke widdowe a Barke called ye returne; By ye Testimony of Coll Ed: Scarbur[gh] Lt. Coll: Obedience Robinss. Lt Coll Wm Andrewes; Capt Rich: Vaught & Capt Wm Waters. (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655-1657, Vol. 7, pa 17)
A bark was a sailing vessel with three or more masts. 1 May 1655
This daye Rich: Hudson made appr upo[n] ye ordr hee obtayned agt the estate of Jno Lambert Marrynor [mariner]; there is yet remayneinge due to him sixe hundd & tenn pdes of tobac. & caske; (beinge in ye handes of Ambrose Dixon) & ye remayndr ye petr [petitioner] prayeth ordr for in ye handes of mris Susanna Sellicke (als Tilghman) Its ordrd yt the sd Ambrose Dixon shall forthwth make paymt unto Rich: Hudson Three hundd pdes of tob: due for goodes hee bought of ye sd Jno Lambert, attached judgmt prved by the plt. And yt mris Sellicke als Tilghman alsoe forthwth make paymt of three hundddd & ten pdes of tob: & cask (if there bee soe much wages in her handes) wth Court charges als Exec./ Its ordrd by ye Court yt mris Susanna Selicke (als Tilghman) shall forthwth make paymt unto Capt Franc: Pott (Attor. of Coll Wm Claiborne) Three hundd pdes of tobac & caske, due p bill undr the hand of Jno Lambert Marrynor dated 30th of September 1654./ wch sd Lambert was mayster of ye sd Barke called ye returne belongeinge unto mr David Sellicke & hath a considerable vallue in money to receive for his wages; Its therefore ordrd yt ye sd mris Susanna Sellicke (als Tilghman) shall forthwth make paymt unto Capt ffrank: Pott; Attor. of Collonll Wm Claiborne three hundd pdes of tobac & caske (if there bee Assettes in her handes/
Recoratr xxmo [20th] Septembr. 1656./
p Edm: Mathewes Clir Cur./(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655-1657, Vol. 7, pa 18)
24th of May Ano 1655./ To the Honll Comissionrs of Northampton County.... Knowe al men by these prsents That I Susanna Sellicke ak Tillghman ye relict of & Admrstratrixt upon ye estate of my late husbant Mr David Sellicke of Boston Merchant; Doe by these prsents make, ordayne; authorise, appoynt & in my stead put & constitue George Homes my true and lawfull Attorney; for mee & in my name & to my pper use; to aske, demand, recovr & receive all goodes and Chattells belongeige & apptayneige unto me (as Admrstratrix to my late husband Mr David Sellicke) wch are or shall hereafter arrive in Virginia; And alsoe to reckon & Accott wth any pson or psons in my behalfe & where & to whome any sume or sums of goodes or merchandise is due to satisfye ye same & paye soe farre as my estate in Virginia doth extend & come unto ye handes of ye sd George Homes: I give & by these prsents grant unto my sd Attor. all my power & Authoritye to demand; recovr & receive ye prmisses or any parte thereof; & in case of refusall to use all lawfull meanes & wayes whatsoevr eythr to Arrest; sue, sequestr or Attache; to compound acquitt & discharge any pson or psons upon satisfaccon made. And one Attor or more to constitute & agayne to revoate att his pleasure. And genrallye to doe & pforme all thinges required needfullto bee done for pformmance of ye prmisses by virtue hereof I ye sd Susanna Sellicke or Tillhgman have hereunto sett my hand & seale. This fifteenth of August one Thousand sixe hundred fifty & five.
Susanna Sellicke
ak Tillghman./
the Seale./Teste R: Robert Baylies/
Frances Baylies./
Recordtr 20th of September 1655 p Edm Mathews Cli Cur./(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 53)
Map of Virginia's Eastern Shore from Virginia's Eastern Shore by Peter Smith. Occahannocke Creek can be found about half way up the Chesapeake side of the peninsula. The inventory of David Selleck's estate, reported 7 September 1654, mentioned that Major Thomas Johnson had the parts for a windmill. Major Johnson had property in the region of Occahannocke Creek, and the windmill that was built was deeded to him in 1656 by Robert Tilghman and his wife Susanna. The Commission of Administration of the estate of David Selleck was granted to Susanna in November 1654, and the court ordered that she should put up sufficient security. After that court, Susanna married Robert Tilghman. By May 1655 there had been no security given the Court. On 8 May 1655 at the Occahannocke Court, Colonel Edmund Scarburgh decided that Robert Tilghman had been given enough time to put up the security. However, Tilghman petitioned the Court asking for more time, and the Court gave him a "respite" until the next Court session. The judgement handed down by Colonel Scarburgh and acknowledged by Tilghman was for 1,034 pounds of tobacco and caske. Edmund Mathews who was the clerk of the court had demanded security from Tilghman several times. Still Tilghman had not complied. The following document deals with this issue.
This daye Edm: Mathews Clarke of ye Court & a sowrne officr upon record peticoned yt Mr Robert Tillghman (who marryed Mris Susanna Sellicke widdowe, relict of David Sellicke merchant) had a Comission of Admrcon granted on ye sd Mr Sellicke his estate; dated 2 Novembr 1654. And the Complt [complainant] declareth yt hee hath sevrall tymes demanded security for ye Comission of Admrcon; But noe pformance therin; The Court consideringe yt the omiccon & & [sic] pcrastinacon of enteringe into bond for ye sd Comission of Admrcon wth suffict securitye to save the Authoritye of the Court indempnifyed (wch granted the sd ordr for a Comission) maye reflect greatly pruidicall [prejudicial] to ye Comissionres then prsent. Whereupon ye Magistrates nowe required securitye of the sd Mr Robert Tillghman: But (in breeife languidge) hee made this ronse[?] [response?] That hee could not pcure securitye; And yt his pson should be his securitye: It is therefore ordrd that ye sd Mr Robert Tillghman bee comitted into ye custody of ye sherriff & remayne his prissonr untill hee entr into bond wth such security as ye Court shall accept of to bee answrable for the estate of ye sd David Sellicke mrchant [New page]
As alsoe that noe tobac belongeinge unto David Sellickes estate shalbe exported ye County (untill security bee taken) According to ordr of Court dated 2 Novembr 1654/
(Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 134-pa 135)
8 May 1655./
Upon furthr debateinge ye mattr in question, about Mr David Sellickes estate; Mr Robert Tillghman (in Court declared) That hee went over to Capt Swanley & demanded of him what parte of ye goodes in Company wth mr Sellicke, belonged to ye sd Mr Sellicke; To wch Capt Swanley replyed; That the one halfe. belonged to Mr David Sellicke; whereupon Mr Tillghman sd That (if Capt Swanley pleassed.) They towe would ionye [join] issue in receiveinge their partes. And thereupon quallifyed ye sd Mr Tillghman thereunto: This ye Court hath caused to bee put on record; Soe yt the sd Mr Robert Tillghman this day (upon demand of securitye for Admrcon on Mr Sellicks estate; refused to give any. But tendered his body, And required ye Court to informe him what Estate Mr Sellicke had wch himselfe hath resolved & is accordingly registered.By mee Edm: Mathews Clir Curr (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, pa 136)
Att a Court Holden att Northampton ye 13th of June Ano 1655
. . . . .
In ye Difference depend betweene Jno Cornelius merchant & Evert Jacob plte, & mr Robert Tillghman (who marryed ye widdowe & Admrx of David Sellicke merchant Deft.) After serious consideracon of ye prmises; p usuall [per usual] of ye agreemt undr hand & seale of ye sd Mr David Sellicke & Mr Jno Cornelius, dated first of June 1654 It appeth by ye sd Condicon; That there is due to ye sd Jno Cornelius merchant, for Boate hire the sume of one Thousand ffive hundd poundes of Tob: p moneth for Three moneths tyme; It is therefore ye Judgmt of ye Court & ordrd that ye sd Mr Robert Tillghman shall forthwth make paymt unto ye sd Jno Cornelius merchant; pporconally [proportionally] soe much Tobac. as att prsent appeth due wth Costes & charges of ye suite als Exec. It is futhr ordrd that such Evidence (as shall necessarily bee required eithr for ye plt or dft bee wth all convenient expedicon sumoned & examyned before towe Magistrates; Except urgent occasion requires a testimony to bee taken before one Comissionr And wt shalbe pleaded in this case to bee pvided & in readynes wthin towe moneths after ye date of this ordr that ye suite maye bee forthwth determyned./(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 149) At a Court held at Northampton on 28 June 1655, Robert Tilghman "petitioned against" Mrs. Ann Charlton, widow and executrix of Capt. Stephen Charlton, for 1,035 pounds of tobacco. She made "response" with most but not all of the requested amount. There remained a balance of 575 pounds of tobacco and cask. The Court ordered her to make payment of the debt and Court costs by November 10. (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, page 151.)
At a Court held at Northampton on 30 July 1655:
This daye Mr Wm Jones by his humble peticon declared to ye Court yt hee is security wth Mr. Robert Tillghman for a very considerable sume of tobacoe; concerneige ye Comission of Admrcon granted on ye estate of David Sellicke merchant; And yt there is not any course resolved, or pformed, by ye sd Mr Tillghman to save ye sd mr Jones indempnifyed [from loss]. the sd Mr Tillghman beinge absent himselfe & is departed this County: Upon serious consideracon of the prmisses yt ye petr [petitioner] maye have releeife; It is ordrd by the Court That (wthin xxth dayes) an Attachmt shall pceed att ye suite of ye sd Mr. Wm Jones, agt [against] ye Estate of David Sellicke merchant (in ye handes, or custodye of Mr Robert Tillghman; his wife Mris Susan Tillghman; or any other pson; or psons. in Northton County; where ye same shalbe found. To ye vallue of one hundred and sixty Thousand pdes of tobaco. yt ye same maye bee lyable & ronsable untill ye Court shall determyne thereof. It is furthr ordrd yt imediately after ye sd Mr Robert Tillghman his Arrivall att Accowmacke; the sherr. arrest ye body of mr Tillghman att ye suite of mr Wm Jones upon an Accon [action] of ye case And to detayne him in his custodye untill ye next Court holden for this County. that such ordr may pceed as (accordinge to Lawe) shall bee thought fitt./
(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 152) At a Court held at Northampton on 28 August 1655:
These prsents witnesseth that I Jno Cornelius of Hungeres in ye County of Northampton Merchant, do hereby Constitute & ordayne my welbeloved friend Tho: Harmonson of Hungeres aforesd Taylor: To bee my true & lawfull Attor; for mee & in my Name, to impleade & recovr all such sume & sumes of tobac. as shall appeare to bee due, unto mee ye sd Jno Cornelius in a suite dependinge betweene mee & Mr Robert Tillghman (in ye behalfe of his prdecessor mr David Sellicke decd) & accordinge to a refference granted by ordr of Court holden 13th of June 1655./ ffor & concerneinge a Sloope to bee determyned of; Accordinge to Evidence pduced by both ptyes [parties] by this prsent Court holden att Accomacke ye 28th of this instant August 1655./ And him, (or his Lawfull Attor. to psecute unto the ottermost extent of ye Lawe) And whatsoevr my sd Attor. shall doe or cause to bee done in & for ye prnciple I doe hereby ratifye & allowe to bee as firme & Authenticke As if I my slefe were psonally prsent./ Jno Cornelius Teste Jno James./
Recordatr 28o die Augusty 1655.
Test Edm: Mathews Clir Cur/(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 52)
28 August 1655. Mr Jno Cornelius & Evert Jacobson their Pet [petition]
agt. [against] Mr Robert Tillghman./
To ye worth Comissionres of Northamton County./
Most humbly sheweth That wheres Mr David Sellicke mrchant lately decd did covenant wth yor petres [petitioners] for ye use of their sloope & ye service of towe men thereupon imployed, for ye sume of 1500 £ of tobac wth caske p [per] moneth; & was to returne ye sd sloope into ye place whence they sett forth in Hungere Creecke, in like good condicon & accordinge to ye tyme limitted; And as by Covent [Covenant] is required Nowe one of yor petres as namely ye sd Jacobson, goeinge wth the sloope upon board Mr Sellickes shipp, upon ye sd imploymt hee was desired (beinge a shipps Carpentr to staye on board to mend ye leake of ye shipp & to put other men in the sloppe [sic] ye wch hee granted & did labour there by ye space of sixe weakes in great hardnes & bad usage, where hee was driven to worke & buy his owne victualles on shoare, And in ye mean tyme Mr Sellicke aforesd did carry his sloope into James Rvr [River] & imployed her there soe longe ovr & above ye tyme limitted yt the worm gott into ye Keele, & eate through ye bottome; soe yt ye men did pumpe & labor in her in dangr of their lives. And then they told Mr Sellicke of ye danger & desired him to Lett ym returne home; ye wch hee refused to doe, & caused to stop ye leakage wth a Cowe hide; And therewth they did pceede; furthr upon his implomt untill ye sloope did sinke, & there she lyeth on ye other side ye Baye; and nevr could bee brought home untill this daye./Nowe yor worpes peticonres Haveinge commenced their suite in this County Court agt ye widdowe & Relict of ye sd Mr David Sellicke to desire lawfull satisfaccon & redresse was perswaded by her to lett fall ye suite; & to put ye cause upon Arbitracon; promiseinge to give reall satisfaccon And thus by her delaye yor petr hath bine deluded from November Court last past untill nowe; only to keepe off ye paymtes of ye Tobaco. until yt ye yeares paymt is almost past to ye great losse & hinderance of both And to ye utter undoinge of Evert Jacobson; (who is a poore stranger & gettes his livinge by his sloope, & great labor) And therefore humbly craveth yt yor worpes (after serious consideracon) will grant him Justice for ye service of ye Sloope & men att 1500£ tob p moneth for 5½ moneths comes to
£ tob (Accordinge to Covenant). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8250 sequitr [New page]
£ tob For ye sloope itselfe by valuacon (as it cost yor petr) sixe Thousand pdes of tobaco & caske; for a Boate 300£} 6300 £ tob Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14550 And nowe att ye last Court holden for this County att ye howse of Jno Dolbey yor petres did renew their suite agt Mr Robt. Tillghman, as Admrstrator of his prdecessors estate & was dismist (undr this notion) That Tillghman was not of yt Jurisdiccon; soe yt its more then apparent that these delays are but meere shiftes to deprive yor petres of yt (wch in Justice & Equitye belongeth unto them.) And therefore yor peticonres doe Earnestly beseech yor worpes for expedicon of Justice & ordr for this yeares paymt forasmuch as its for servantes wages; for provicon [provisions] & sloope hire & ye livelyhood of one poore man; yt by ye losse of his sloope is thereby undone./
And yor petr shall pray &c./The depo: of Nicholas Waddelowe taken 28th August 1655 app Cur [in open Court?]
Sayth That Evert ye dutchman by Mr Sellicks ordr & Capt. Swanleyes request; desired Evert to staye on board to make a pumpe & they would man ye sloope for him; for yt Capt Swanley sd hee could not goe to sea wthout a pumpe more Capt Swanly sd That Had not Evert made this pumpe, hee must have stayed in ye Country (his Carpentr being dead) And furth[r] sth notNicho: [his mark]: Waddelowe The depo: of Andrew Pedigree [sic] aged xxty years taken in open Court 28th of August 1655/
Sayth That hee sawe Evert ye Dutchman worke aboard Capt Swanleyes shipp upon ye decke, in Calkeinge & did helpe aboard to make a pumpe for ye sd shippe And furthr sth notAndrew Pedigrew The depo: of Isaake Johnson taken (appr Cur) [in open Court?] 28th of August 1655
Sayth That hee was hired by Mr Jno Cornelius for to sayle wth his sloope in ye servis of mr Sellicke & yt ye sd Sellicke goeinge wth them to Rappahannock aboard ye shippe of Capt Swanley took off ye sloope one Evert Jacob & put him aboard ye shipp of the sd Swanley for to make a pumpe for ye sd shipp & to make ye decke & other necessaryes. And did put in ye sd sloope towe men from ye shipp & yor dept And did send ym wth servantes Ito [into?] Accomacke to James River[New page]
upp to Chipoake, where they laye foure weeakes, (or there aboutes) before any Tobaco was shipped aboard ye sloope by Mr Sellickes Attorney & aftr yt wee had taken some tobacoe in wee brought it to Warwicke Creecke in ye store & went from there up to Chippoake agayne. And comeinge there the sloope proved very Leakey yt they were forced to stope ye Leakes wth a Cowe hide, & soe saild upp & downe the river wth a Cow hide for tobac; att last, being all very sicke, were forced to halle [haul] ye sd sloope a shoare, this dept furthr sth That he did demand of mr Sellicke for helpe (divres tymes) for to bringe ye sloope to Accommacke agayne accordinge to his pmises, & the sd Mr Sellicke answred that he could gett noe helpe to send ye sloope to Accomacke;Isaake Johnson The Deposicon of Webrant Johnson taken 15 June 1655/
Sayth: That comeinge on board Capt Swanleyes ship wth Evert Jacobson to fetch his tooles, And as soone as ye sd Capt Swanley had notice, That ye sd Evert had put his tooles in ye boate; the sd Swanley comanded his Boatswaine to take ye tooles out of ye Boate p force, & as yet nevr could gett ye sd tooles agayne, alsoe ye sd Evert demanded of ye man yt went in ye sloope of Jno Cornelius then in ye imploymte of ye shipp of ye sd Swanley: where ye sloope was; And ye man replyed, The Sloope was sunke in Chirrystone Creecke furthr deposeth. That he heard Mr David Sellicke saye (in his life tyme) att ye howse of Nicholas Waddleowe, yt ye above sd Sloope was in ye imploymte of Georg. Swanleys shipp & yt hee had requested Evert to staye aboard ye shipp to make a pumpe, for ye shipp, & hee would put anothr man into ye sloope in his roome, & furthr sth notWebrant Johnson Juratr Cora Noe./
Argoll Yardley Jno Stringer/Recordatr vicessimo die Octobr 1655 p Edm: Mathews Clir Cur (Northampton Co., VA, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1654-1655, Vol. 5, ffol 120-ffol 121) Robert and Susanna Tilghman seem to have been out of the county until the end of October.
29th of Octobr 1655 Prsent Maior Tho: Johnson
Capt Wm Waters
Capt Wm Whittington Mr Levyne Denwood./Ites ordrd by the Court that the estate of David Sellicke merchant & Company shall forthwth make paymet unto Nicholas Waddelowe the sume of Ten pdes fourteene shillinges Sterl money And foure hundd pdes of tobac for Losse of tyme [hole] due by the Corporall oath of the sd Nicholas Waddelowe & the depo: of Evert Jacob & Andrew Pedigree als Exec./
(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655, Vol. 6, page 9) By 30 October 1655, Robert Tilghman was back in the county but ill and not able to attend Court.
30th of Octobr 1655./ prsent ut ante/ Upon furthr consideracon of the Suite dependinge betweene Mr Jno Cornelius & Evert Jacob pltes & Mr Robert Tillghman deft bee referred to the next Court holden att Jno Dolbyes howse (this daye informacon beinge given to ye Court that ye sd Mr Robert Tillghman is lately arrive d in this County & is (att prsent) vissited wth sicknes whereby hee is disenabled to attend the Court And yt the the [sic] cause bee determyned (wthout any procrastinacon or furthr delaye for prsent paymt of the Tobac wch shall appr [appear] due wth all Costed of ye Suite, & damages als Exec/
(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655, Vol. 6, folio 10)
After Serious consideracon & enquiry in the Suite depend betweene Jno Cornelius & Evert Jacobson pltes & Mr Robt Tillghman deft wee the Jurors appoynted to puse [peruse] & exame [examine] ye Deposicons & wrightinges thereunto dependinge, Doe give in our virdict for the Defendant, That noe damage can acrew unto him for the losses or spoyle of ye sd sloope (only what hath formerly bine ordrd by this Court concerneinge wages due unto the sd plantiffes so longe tyme as she was suffict & manned for ye service of ye sd Sellicke Deceased) given undr our handes this 22nd of Novembr Ano. 1655./
Jno Custis Senr Jno Custis Junior Armstronge Foster [torn] Bateman Wm Kendall Tho: Dimmor [torn?] tyne Herman Wm Vines [?] Steph: Stringer [Hugh] Yeo Mountioy Evelin Edw: Bushell [torn] Jurores virdict betweene Mr Jno Cornelius & Evert [Jacobson] pltes & Mr Robert Tillghman deft (concerneige [torn]ffrence about a sloope) is according to the determynacon of the sd Jury this daye impannelled (by this Court Authenticated & confirmed to stand suffict in lawe And ites ordrd that ye sd Mr Jno Corneliuson [sic] & Evert Jacob[son] [torn] make paymt of Court Charges als Exec./ (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655, Vol. 6, page 17) "November 13, 1655, Whitehall. Warrent of reprisal to Peter Butler, David Selleck, and William Alford, the ship the Mayflower of New England of 24 tons burden with her lading, having been seized at St. Domingo in Hispaniolar." (Boston Transcript, 28 March 1917)
(The Transcript article also reported that after the Mayflower's first trip to Plymouth in 1620, she was one of the five vessels which brought Endicott's company to Salem in 1629, and also one of the fleet in 1630 which brought over the company that settled Boston, Charleston, Watertown, etc. In the case reported above in 1653 of David Sellick, Thomas Kimbold, Peter Butler, et al. of Boston, owners of the Mayflower said to have been built at Lynn in New England, doubt is cast that the Mayflower owned by Sellick, Kimbold and Butler was the original Mayflower which brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620.)Power of Administracon to the Estate of Mr David Sellecke, graunted to Mr Wm Brenton, Capt Tho Clarke & Deacon John Wisewall. Accompt of what wee finde due from the estate of Mr. David Sellick, deceased, 18th: 12th: 1655. [18 February 1655, old calendar]
[Signed by] Anthony Stoddard, Edw: Ting. ([Abstracts of] Suffolk County Wills , Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1984, p. 153)1656
These prsentes testifye That I Susanna Sellicke als Tillghman, The Admrstratrix of the Estate of mr David Sellicke mechant deceased; Doe by these prsentes grante & give leave to my husband Mr Robert Tillghman to make sale of the halfe parte of ye Mill in partnershipp wth Lt Collonll Tho: Johnson; And what my aforesd husband shall doe I doe confirme; In witnes where of I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale this 9th of Maye 1656./
Teste Jno Johnson Susanna Sellicke als Tillghman
ye Seale./31th of March 1657. This ordr. Was Exhibited (in Court) by Lt Collonll Tho: Johnson & desired to bee Recorded
Recordatr die et Ano Prdict. p Edm: Mathewes Clir Cur./(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655-1657, Vol. 7, pa 39)
Knowe all men by these prsentes That I Robert Tillghman doe for mee & my wife Susanna Sellicke als Tillghman ye relict of David Sellicke decd & our heyres, or any that shall prtend to have any Clayme to a howse & Windmill, scittuate & beinge att Mataceppe poynt; att ye mouth of Occahannocke Creecke; I doe bargayne & make sale unto Leift. Coll Tho: Johnson; one fourth pte of the sd howse & windmill aforsd to him & his heyres Exres & Admres (or Assignes) To inioye [enjoy] ye same (wth all ye prviledges thereunto belongeinge; for ever; I[n] consideracon thereof I acknowledge to have recd a valluable consideracon in kind to content wch sd sale, I doe warrant agt ye clayme of all people whatsoevr. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this nynth day of Maye 1656./ Robert Tilghman
ye sealeSealled & delivrd in prsence of
Edm: Scarburgh
John BatemanRecorded 14th of June 1656 p Edm: Mathewes Clir Cur./ (Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655-1657, Vol. 7, pa 4)
The earliest windmill types on the eastern shore were probably much like the one in this drawing. These were located at exposed places such as Mataceppe Point at the mouth of Ocahannocke Creek in order to catch the wind at all times. (Picture from Virginia's Eastern Shore by Ralph T. Whitelaw)
Knowe all men by these prsentes That I Robert Tillghman doe for mee & my wife Susanna Tillghman ye relict of David Sellicke mrchant decd & our heyres, or any that shall prtend to have any Clayme, to a Howse & windmill, Scittuate & beinge upon Matasippe poynt (att ye Mouth of Occahannocke Creecke, I doe bargayne & make sale unto Collonll Edm: Scarburgh & Jno Bateman one fourth parte of ye sd Howse & Mill to them [& their] heyres, Exres or Assignes To inioye [enjoy] wth all the previledges thereunto belongeinge for ever; Upon consideracon of a Considerable & valluable Consideracon to mee in Hand pd; wch said Sale I doe warrant agt all psons whatsoevr. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand & Seale this Nynth of Maye 1656./
Sealed & dd in ye prsence of
Tho: JohnsonRobert Tillghman./
ye SealeRecorded 26th of Aprill 1657
p Edm: Mathewes Clir Cur./(Northampton County, Virginia, Orders, Deeds and Wills, 1655-1657, Vol. 7, ffol 44) 1658
David died either at sea or on the eastern shore of Virginia somewhere in or around what is now Northampton and Accomack Counties in late summer 1654.
"Wee whose names are here vnderwritten doe testify that vpon our Arrivall in Virginia the 19th of October 54 David Dale of Akamacke did affirme that David Sellicke dyed in Virginia a fort night or three weekes before we came in and vpon that wee went up to Mussawatocks, where Mrs. Sellicke did affirme the same 3:5:58." Sworn in Court 31 July 1658 and signed by Phillip Long and Benjamine Negus. Edw. Rawson Recorder. (Mass. Archives, Vol. 15, A, p. 5., and found in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 9, p. 58.)[The Indian name for the place colonists named Boston was Shawmut. This name is perhaps an abbreviation of "Mushauwomuk" which is probably the word in the document above that is the result of just poor spelling.] (Samuel Adams Drake, Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston, Boston, James R. Osgood & Co., 1873, p. 3)
The testimony of Phillip Long, aged fouerty yeares or there about, in and concerning the Administratrixship of mrs. Susanna Zillick---Sayeth that about the moneth of [November] 1654: I the sd Phillip, being at [ ] heareing of mr David Zillicks death I went [to the widow] to demand my debt of her: she made me answer that she had not yet administered and therefore cold not pay me; But she sd she was to administer the next court following: I was not wht. her after wards; But after the court was past to my knowledg she paid seurall debts: and further sayeth not. Sworne before me, this 15t of october 1658.
(New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 16, p. 49)Maps of property that involved David Selleck referenced in above can be found at original David Selleck page:
The bottom of section E (No. 5) of the Boston map. "These [lots 10] seem to have been granted, 1637-38, to William Hudson, J., Nathaniel Chappell, and Oliver Mellows. Later, Chappell was bounded on either hand by David Sellick and Jacob Leger...." The Book of Possessions, page 70. Top of Page
- Letter from Dr. J. T. C. Sellick Northants, England, to Darlene Selleck Kern, Lansing, Michigan, dated 17 November 1994..
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2, p. 401 also Vol 5, 465, David the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 11:10:1638.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2, p. 401 also Vol. 5, p. 465, Johanthan the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 20:3:1641.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2, p. 401, Jonathan the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 20:3:1641.
- FHC film #5570, Stamford Town Meeting Records, 1640-1806, Vol. 1, p. 108.
- Edith M. Wicks, Genealogical References in Stamford, CT, Land Records, Vol A-S, 1666-1800+, 1670 Vol. A, p. 33.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2, p. 401 also Vol. 5, p. 465, John the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was born 21:2:1643.
- Edith M. Wicks, Genealogical References in Stamford, CT, Land Records, Vol A-S, 1666-1800+, 1670 Vol. A, p. 33.
- FHC film #5570, Stamford Town Meeting Records, 1640-1806, Vol. 1, p 102.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5, p. 465 also Vol. 8, p. 39, Nathaniel son of David Sellocke and wf. Susanna born 18:5:1645.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5, p. 465, Johanna, dau. of David Sellocke and wf. Susanna was born 11:10:1647.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5, p. 465 also Vol. 9, p. 249, Elizabeth, dau. of David Sellocke and wf. Susanna, born 1 Feb. 1651.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5, p. 465, Susanna, dau. of David Sellocke and wf. Susanna, died 10:9:1653. She follows the pattern of a birth every 2 or 3 years, and must have died shortly after birth.
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5, p. 465 also Vol. 10, p. 72, Susanna dau. of David Sellick dyed 10:9mo:[16]53.
Published from the Original for Maryland research:
Appendix A: Virginia Governors of Maryland
From:Archives of Maryland
Historical List
Governors of Maryland, 1634-1689
Governors under Proprietary and Parliamentary Government, 1634-1689 [Excerpts pertaining to Virginians]
Prior to the granting of the Charter to Cecilius Calvert, Captain William Claiborne,acting under a commission from the King, had established a trading post and plantation on KentIsland in 1631. He was driven from the island by Leonard Calvert a few months after the colonistslanded.
Captain Richard Ingle, 1644/45-1646
Usurped the government and maintained control until about the middle of 1646.
Captain Edward Hill, 1646
Elected governor by the council while Leonard Calvert was still in Virginia, Hillalso claimed to have a commission from Calvert. His appointment was illegal, as he was not amember of the council when elected, and Calvert was out of the province when the commission wasissued. He does seem to have held office, however, for he later attempted to collect certain fees andemoluments that were due him by virtue of his service.
William Stone, 1649-1651/52
During absences from the province he left the following men to act in his place:1649, Thomas Greene; 1650, Thomas Hatton.
Richard Bennet and William Claiborne (Parliamentary Commissioners), 1652-1657/58
William Stone, 1652-1656
Between 1652 and 1656, William Stone's commission as governor from theproprietor was contested by the Parliamentary Commissioners.
Commissioners appointed by Parliamentary Commissioners:William Fuller, William Durand, John Smith, John Lawson, Richard Wells, Richard Preston, Edward Lloyd, Leonard Strong, John Hatch, and Richard Ewen, 1654-1657Richard Bennett and William Claiborne, with authorization from the Puritangovernment in England, issued an ordinance July 22, 1654, to ten Marylanders as commissioners<169>for the well Ordering, directing and Governing the affaires of Maryland<170> with powersthat included the right to summon assemblies. Later additions to the body of commissioners wereWilliam Parker (October 20, 1654), Robert Slye (April 24, 1655), Thomas Meeres and ThomasMarsha (June 26, 1655), Sampson Waring, Michael Brooke, John Pott and Woodman Stockley(August 13, 1655), William Parrott (March 23, 1656/57), and Philip Morgan, William Ewen,Thomas Thomas, Philip Thomas, Samuel Withers and Richard Woolman (by spring, 1657). ThomasMarsh died in 1656/57 and Leonard Strong was serving as agent in England ca. 1655, but the othercommissioners presumably remained active. The records, however, are incomplete and therefore thefull service of all the commissioners cannot be established. The commissioners surrended theirpowers to the restored proprietary government March 24, 1657/58.
Josias Fendall, 1657-1660
Appointed Luke Barber to serve in his place while he was absent from the provincefrom June 1657 to February 1657/58.
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