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"....During the Session one Mr Joseph Hill (Country borne) & a Member of the House of Delegates, was by that House expell'd the Assembly, for adhering to, assisting; & coresponding with the Said Clarke; nothwithstanding which I am doubtfull Wee shall allways want Iurys to do her Matyc comon Justice on the Countrye borne (as they call ‘em) and am apt to believe the reason is, that the Assembly Anno 1694 (under a Specious pretence of the Encouragement of Learning, to which the Countrye has not Yet made any one further Stepp), gained the then Governour & Councills Assent to An Act for the Encouragement of Learning & Advancement of the Natives of this Province, By which her Matys English Subjects are debarred from holding any Office of Trust or profitt with in this province, (not being imediately a Patent Office) untill they have actually made this Countrye theire place of Residence during the full terme of three Years: And hence it is that no Ingenious Men capable of Serving her Matye or the Province will come here to Starve So long a Terme;—Which if not remedyed by her Matys Disassent to that Law, I feare will be of Fatall & pernicious Consequence to Maryland; For Notwthstanding the Act of Assembly made in 1694 For the Erecting of Free- Schools, there is not yet So much as one Graffiar Schoolein the whole province; And Yet the Assembly & other Courts of Justice For the most parte are composed of, & the Government on all Occasions is necessitated to comissionate, the Natives, tho' many times very ignorant & unfitt for the Offices and Trusts this Act of Assembly devolves upon them, which is only a particular Misfortune to Maryland. No Such Law or practice being in any other of her Matys Plantations where all her Subjects Stand upon the Levell....” Governor Seymour, June 10, 1707 |