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Londontowne & South River: Casablanca of Dissenters
Hugenots like Mareen Duvall, Royalists fleeing Puritans, like Francis Stockett, Puritans fleeing Virginia, like William Burgess, Jacobites, and Quakers settled on the South River.
Mareen Duvall & Henry Ridgely, John Hammond & Nicholas Wyatt
7th Augt 1681: Procedings on the Council of Maryland, includes testimony of an Indian who had visited B>Murreen Duvall and Henry Ridge, which the Sheriff attempts to verify by speaking with Duvall and Ridge: "yett I sent for one that lived formerly in Seaverne and another in Road River to take the best certainty I could from the Indian Description of them: Murreene lives at head South River, Henry Ridgely upon the Ridge, the rest neere the head of Seaverne" The ward of Moses Rawlings grandfather Aaron, John Rawlings, who was orphan of Richard Rawlings & Joan/Jane, m. Henry Ridgely's neice, Eleanor Rawlings. She was the dau. of William Ridgely, who m. dau of Rachel Beard & Neale Clarke: Elizabeth Clarke, "pirate" Richard Clarke's sister. [as evidenced by 1727 deposition of Elizabeth, widow of William Ridgely, mother Rachel Beard] Need dates! John Hammond & Nicholas Wyatt's land also on North side of South River, between Broad Creek and the head of the South River: "“Wyatt’s Ridge”, lying on north side of South River, west side of Broad Creek. John Larkin's Tavern The Governor and his Council held meetings and Court at the Tavern of John Larkin, "from 1674" according to www.hometownannapolis.com/tour. Records of Governor and Council meetingscan be found in the archives from at least 1683, and continuing through 1694, though the Court was moved to LondonTowne, on the South River in 1684. A Post Road was established from the Potomac River in Maryland to Philadelphia in 1694, which included a stop at John Larkin's Tavern "on the Ridge" and then to South River, to Annapolis, to Kent, and up to Philadelphia by way of NewCastle. "...by the late 1670s, they were meeting at an inn kept by John Larkin, located at "the Ridge," a few miles south of South River. Larkin's inn was also the site of meetings of the Maryland General Assembly and Council during this time period. By 1684, the county court had moved to London Town, a newly designated shipping port on the South River, where the first courthouse was built. Early land records for London Town describe the building as a "25 foot" structure, presumably constructed of wood, measuring 25 by 25 feet." (hometownannapolis.com). In the archives, regulations for the prices that John Larkin may charge for the drinks served can be found. This record features Brandy and sugar, Rum and Sugar, and Wyne and Sugar. John Larkin is directed NOT to sell any liquor to legislators, without prior permission. (This is because of the tab, I think.) |
George Puddington & wife Joan Cornish Robins, William Burgess & Elizabeth Robins, Richard Beard & Rachel Robins
650: Gov. Wm. Stone visited “Providence” and appointed Edward Lloyd Commander, James Homewood, Thomas Marsh, George Puddington, Matthew Hawkins, James Merryman & Henry Catlyn as Commissioners. James Cox &George Puddington elected as delegates to Assembly at St. Mary’s. James Cox was speaker. References to George Puddington in Md. Archives, Vol. 1: 260, 261, 273, 276, 279, 281, 284, 285, 460. Vol.3: 257, 489, 517, 534. Vol. 4: pp. 122-3. Vol. 49: 259, 436. Moses Rawlings mother was Susannah Beard, sister to a Richard Beard, and decendant of Richard Beard and Rachel Robins.
Londontowne, South River: A hotbed of anti-English monarch sympathies that led to the Revolutionary War?
"London, as it was known centuries ago, was a tobacco town when tobacco was gold, an early export hub run by a group of newly wealthy Scottish families. The town was the county seat from 1684 through 1695. It also was a port of entry for slave traders. For London's archaeologists, the discoveries have brought answers but also more questions, foremost among them: Why did a town as vital as London die in the second half of the 18th century? Its geography was ideal. The main route linking Philadelphia and Williamsburg ran through London at Scott Street, now a ravine on the edge of town. "Washington, Jefferson -- they all came through that gully," Mr. Luckenbach says. It was Mr. Brown's ferry, the colonial equivalent of owning the Interstate 95 toll booth at the Fort McHenry tunnel, that brought travelers across the South River. Archaeologists think they may have the answer to London's demise: vindictive politics and class rivalry. From the late 1600s, the colonial tobacco fleet would gather in the South River before heading across the Atlantic. The crews filled London's taverns, bolstered commerce for the carpenters, butchers and early ship chandleries. It made for a rowdy, prosperous life. But that changed in 1747. The colonial government in Annapolis approved a list of ports authorized to export tobacco. London was not one of them. The reason may have been that London's Scottish families were growing very rich and beginning to pose a challenge to Maryland's old-money gentry." Scott Wilson, The Baltimore Sun In 1716, Aaron Rawlings, Moses grandfather, bought 3 Scottish jacobite prisoners shipped to Maryland for sale: Charles Donalson, William Marc, & Hector Maacqueen. On the list of purchasers are many Quaker and Scottish names, indicating potential sympathy for the cause. Jacobites were the first to try to overthrow the German line of Kings of England. |
The Head of South River
Page 33 (Page 54) Grantor: George Yate, AA Co., Gent. Grantee: Richard Snowden, AA Co., planter, and Thomas Linthicombe, AA Co., planter Date of Deed: 11 January 1669 Date Recorded: 11 January 1669 Consideration: 11,000 lbs. tobacco Signature: Geo Yate Witness: Robert Wilson1 , John Gray2 Description: Tract of land called The Iron Mine at the head of South River, western side of the south branch of the river and on the North side of the land of George Notheford. Also bounded by Whites Hall.
1674: Grantors: John Powell and James Powell, of South River, AA County planters. Grantee: William Jones, of South River, AA Co. planter, tract originally granted to Robert Wilson 1 May 1672 called Wilsons Grove between the heads of South River and Ann Arundell River, bounded by land formerly laid out for Robert Proctor and John Gater called Abington, by the head of South Run of South River, by land of Jerome White. 200 acres. The 200 acres since conveyed to John Pwell and James Powell by indenture dated 8 Oct. 1672, and entered in Court Roles, AA Co., 13 Nov. 1670. This indenture involves the tract called Wilsons Grove, laid out for 200 acres. Other: Rerecorded at request of John Duvall.
Location of Whites Hall: Birthplace of Johns Hopkins
“Whites Hall” , named for Jerome White its patentee in 1665, orinially contained 800 acres, and is the only grant in Anne Arundel County of less than manor porportions shown on the Augustine Herrman Map of Maryland, published in 1673. Located in the South River Hundred “south of the South run of South River,” it was purchased by Gerrard Hopkins II and Samuel Galloway I. on June 19, 1719, it was divided by them. Johns Hopkins I inherted a part of “Whates Hall” by the terms of his father’s will, which was probated on Feb5ruary 11, 1743/44, and at his death in 1784, it passed to his son, Samuel. Samuel Hopkins married Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Jones Janney, in August 1792. Johns Hopkins II was born at “Whites Hall”, on May 19, 1795. On December 24, 1873, he died, leaving an estate which funded Johns Hopkins University and Hospital. Johns Hopkins I manumitted his slaves on July 21, 1778, following the edicts of the West River Yearly Meeting. Johns hopkins II’s grandmother was Hannah Jones Janney (husband Joseph Janney). |
Linthicum, Snowden, Yates, & Welsh: Iron Mine 1669
Grantor: Thomas Linthicombe, AA Co., planter Grantee: Richard Snowden, AA Co., planter Date of Deed: 8 June 1675 Date Recorded: 20 Februray 1675/6 Consideration 6,000 lbs. tobacco Signature: Thomas Lithicombe (his mark) Witnesses: John Welsh3 , Thomas Bland Description: Orinial patent to Jerome White of St. Marys Co., a parcel called Ironmine lying in AA Co. at the head of South River on west side fo south branch of the river and north side of land now in possession of George Nettlefould, Whites Hall, contianing 500 acres. On 14 July 1669 Jerome White sold to George Yate, aa Co., Gent., all the above mentioned land. On 11 January 1669 Goerge Yate sold to Richard Snowden and Thomas Linthicome, both AA Co., planters, the said 500 acres. This indenture is for Linthicombes half of the tract of land called the Iron Mine.
Edward Maryartee, William Jones, Quaker Anne Lambert (Covell Mott)
Grantor: Edward Maryarte (Mariarte) AA Co., Planter Grantee: John Sellman4 and George Westfall, AA Co., Planters Date of Deed: 12 Dec. 1676 Date Recorded: April court 1677 Consideration: 5,900 lbs. tobacco Signature: Edward (his mark) Mariarte Witnesses: Wm Cocks, Henry White, Wm Jinnes [Jones? Ijams?] Description: Parcel lately sold to said Mariarte by Ann Mott alias Lambert5 , part of dividend containing 500 acres called Covills Folly, lying on Flat Creek branch of South River, near head of South river, bounded by Patrick Dunkins, by land of Mareen Duvall6 . 175 acres. Other pertient Information: Rerecorded at the request of Joseph Burton on behalf of the orphans of George Westall and John Sellman. Release of Dower: Honour Mariarte.
Grantor: Anne Lambert7 , AA Co. Grantee: Samuel White, AA Co., planter Date of Deed: 13 September, 1682 Date Recorded: 25 July 1683. Liber O folio 28 Consideration: 3,000 lbs. tobacco Signature: Anne (Her mark) Lambert Witnesses: James Ellis, Edmund Beesenson Description: Part of Parcel in Thicketty Neck, north side of South River, known as Covells Troubles. 130 acres. This Indenture is that part of Covells Troubles8 near South River on west side of Bear cove, to Anne Lamberts northeast line. 80 acres. Bond: Page 141 (page 63) 13 September 1682 Anne Lambert is bound to Samuel White for 10,ooo lbs of tobacco. Witnessed by Wm Scott, recorded in Liber O folio 281. Samll White requested the foregoing deed and bond be rerecorded. Notes from QITFOAAC:In 1661 "Ann Covell obtained a certificate of survey for Covells Folly , consisting of about 500 acres on the south side of South River in the South River Hundred. A patent was granted in 1663. The location was near the plantation of Richard Beard, another of the first Friends in the area. Clarkson also referred to Ann Covells husband, Thomas and hoped that he, too was a vendor of the Truth. The records are silent as to the deaths of both Ann and Thomas Covell, but later their plantion passed into the possession of others as follows: Benjamin Williams, 100 acres; Walter Phelps, 100 acres; John Sellman, 87 1/2 acres; James Berton, 87"
1689: Grantor: Wm Jones, AA Co., Planter. Grantees: John Duvall, AA co., planter, and Eliza, his wife, daughter of the said Wm. Jones. Consideration: for natural love and affection for daughter Eliza and John Duvall her husband. Signature: Wm (his mark) Jones. Description: Land originally granted 1 March 1672 to Robert Wilson, Gent., AA Co., Called Wilsons Grove lying between heads of Sourth River and Ann Arundell River, Bounded by land formerly laid out for Robert Proctor and John Gater called Abington, bounded by marsh near head of south run of South River, bounded by land of Jerome White. 200 acres. Release of Dower: Elizabeth Jones.
Uncle Moses Rawlings married Ruth Clarke, the "pirate's" daughter
On Saturday evening, March 29, 1707, a shallop sent by outlawed Richard Clarke to bring his wife and children out of Maryland, sailed stealthilly into the South River. On Thursday and Friday, April 3 and 4, Aaron Rawlings, grandfather of Moses Rawlings, helped Elizabeth Mariartee Clarke load her things onto the shallop. Word reached Governor Seymour, and Aaron Rawlings, the crew, and Sylvester Welsh were arrested for aiding the outlaw. The "pirate" returned to the South River, and hid out there to be near his family. In 1708 he turned himself in, and was immediately hung without a trial. Moses Rawlings, Quaker Uncle, Moses Rawlings, (Gent. of Baltimore County) married the pirate's daughter, Ruth Clarke.

Historic Tour Route
From Annapolis: On Church Circle, take College Avenue and turn left on Rowe Boulevard, which will take you to the US-50 entrance ramp. Do not merge onto US-50. Instead, continue on the ramp bearing left to MD-2 south, which takes you across the South River Bridge and through Edgewater.
At MD-214, go east and then right on MD-468, or Muddy Creek Road. Continue on MD-468, to see the Georgian mansion Tulip Hill (private), which is less than a mile from before MD-255. At the intersection of MD-468 and MD 255, or Owensville Road, is the West River Quaker Burying Ground. Return to MD-468 and turn left to follow MD-256 south. This will take you through picturesque farmland and rural communities. Beyond Churchton, take a right on MD-258.
Follow MD-258 west across MD-2. Just north on MD-2 is St. James's Church. Continue on MD-258 to MD-259. Turn right and head north to continue on MD-259, which you will follow to Greenock where you take another right onto MD-408. Much of the countryside along MD-408 was once part of Portland Manor, a grant given to Henry Darnall. In Lothian, you will come to a roundabout, which you will follow around to go north on MD-2. On MD-2 at Harwood Road, a historic marker notes the location of Rawlings Tavern, where George Washington would dine on his way to the Annapolis horse races.
Continue north on MD-2 to turn left on Birdsville Road. Follow it for three miles and then turn right on MD-214 in Davidsonville, a crossroads community of horse, tobacco, and strawberry farms. Turn left on Riva Road, which will take you back to US-50 and the end of your tour.
Robert KIRKLAND was born circa 1670 at MD? He married Mary _____ KIRKLAND circa 1691? at MD. He was an appraisers of estate of William Walter: ROBERT KIRKLAND, William Goodman. Debtors were Edward Batson, JOHN CAMPBELL, Gabrill Parrott, William Roper, LARKIN CHEW on 28 Dec 1693 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He was an appraiser of Thomas Plummer estate on 12 Mar 1694 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He was an appraiser on estate of Thomas Plummer, as well as debtor on estate on 28 Apr 1699 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He applied for a 969 acre survey for Robert Kirkland (card index to patents) in Dec 1701 at Baltimore Co., MD., He was listed on an appraisal list of debtor to the estate of Abell Brown (Gentleman) on 7 Sep 1702 at Anne Arundel Co.,MD. He ROBERT KIRKLAND, planter of Anne Arundel Co., sold to AARON RAWLINGS, planter of Anne Arundel Co., for 170 lbs. That land being the southernmost part of tract called JONES' LOTT, beginning at Stockett's tree; MARY KIRKLAND release of dower. Recorded 10 Nov 1703 on 2 Nov 1703 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He administration of Thomas Plumer lists payments to Robert KIRKLAND, et al on 25 Jul 1706 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He immigrated before 17 Sep 1707 to Baltimore Co., MD (or, was "late of Anne Arundel Co." by this date as mentioned in a deed). He was mentioned in a deed from Aron Rawlings, AA Co. planter, sold to Charles Carroll, port of Annapolis, Gent., that moyety of land being the southernmost part of tract called Jones's Lot, lately occupied by ROBT. KIRKLAND, late of AA Co., containing 175 acres, for 119.05.02 lbs. Wit: Edwd. Carroll, W. FitzReadmond. Recorded 10 Mar 1707/8 on 17 Sep 1707 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He patented the 969 acre tract named Chance in 1713 at Baltimore Co., MD. He was included among numerous debtors (250?) of Amos Garrett on 15 Aug 1729 at Anne Arundel Co., MD. He died after 15 Aug 1729. [ref: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~madgenealogist/KirklandFamily.html]