[Dr. William Jones] [Aaron Rawlings I] [ Susanna Jones Rawlings][Uncle Stephen Rawlings]
[ Richard Clarke] [Va Beards] [Beard Family Records] [THE RAWLINGS FAMILY OF MARYLAND] [The Lost Dead of All Hallows Parish: Who was John Bayley?]
Richard Beard -1681: Will: 24 July 1675.26 (QIAAC says he d. 1681, Page. 26: Beard died in 1681 leaving a substantial estate. Son Richard Beard, jr. made the first map of Annapolis.) He was literate. Became a convinced Quaker 1656/7, descri bed in a letter from Clarkson to Elizabeth Harris, as occuring in a field during a lightning storm.17 Meetings were held at his house. Later, meetings were held at the home of Ann Covell18 .. PATENTS: Poplar Neck on south side of South River on 6 Jan. 1650. [Patents, 386, AB &H: 40] On August 1650 surveyed 250 acres Beards Dock on South River, Middle Neck Hundred. [This would have been on n. side of S. River) [Patents I : 61] Also, 700 acres Beards Habitation14 on South River on 4 January 1661, adjoining West Puddington. Sold 200 acre populae Neck 28 Sept. 1663 To John Mott. (In c. 1677 "Ann Mott alias Lambert" had "lately sold" to Edward Maryarte (Mariarte) land bounded by Maureen Duvall and Patrick Dunkins.)QIAAC, page 26: Poplar Neck, his first grant, lay to the west of Londontone, (page) which was laid out in 1683 as a port of entry for South River and originally was a part of the property of Beards brother in law William Burgess. (Patents, LIber 4, f.39.} Sold Brampton to John McCubbin15 in 1666. On 1 Aug. 1668 Beard, called boatwritght of South River, sold to James Sanders of same, planter, his original grant dated 18 Sept. 1666 called Johns Cabin Ridge, on North side of Flat Creek, 30 acres. Rachel released dower. This tract contained 150 acres in the Calvert Rent Rolls. According to the source, he owned 200 acres Broome16 , surveyed 30 Aug 1659 on west side of Broad creek. [N. side of South River] Offices: Justice of County Court, Lower House for Anne Arundel Co. [Vol. 1 First Families of Anne Arundel Co., Md. by Donna Valey Russell]. See Papenfuse Biography of Richard Beard. (page)
11. Great grandmother:
Rachel Robbins Beard bap. 20 Nov. 1631 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, London, Eng.; m. Richard BEARD by 1649 (still living in 1675, at time of husbands will.) Best Family History for Rachel Robbins (http://home.netcom.com/~fzsaund/robins.html)
11. (a)Great Great Aunt:
Elizabeth Robbins Burgess: bap. 20 May 1635 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, London, Eng.; she was transported (to Maryland) on 17 March 1649 by George Paddington, her step-father19 .
12-15: Great grandfather Mariartee and back unknown. Elizabeths father Edward came from Ireland, acc. to unk. sources.]11. (b) Great Great Uncle:
William Burgess20 b.c.1622 [Marlborough Towne Chapter, N.S.D.A.R., Tombstone Inscriptions of Southern Anne Arundel County, (Baltimore: Gateway Press, Inc., 1971), 325. "age about 64"] , poss. Wiltshire, England, ( related to, but NOT bro of Joseph Burgess, merchant25). Died AA Co. by 24 Jan. 1686, age 64. Arrived in Md. 1651 when he demanded two warrants in two parcels for 300 acres. Other residences: In Lower Norfolk Co., Va. by 18 May 1650 when he witnessed a bill binding Peter Hill to Edward Lloyd21 . On 15 Nov. 1650 he was paid forone wolfs Head. Religion: Puritan, Colonel. Best Burgess Family History (http://home.netcom.com/~fzsaund/burgess.html) 11. b. (1): Second Cousins, Once Removed (?)
William Burgess and Elizabeth Robbins had: 1. Edward Burgess m. Sara Chew 2. George Burgess who sold land (to Aaron Rawlings e.g.: the plantation called situated on a ridge: and returned to England. (died in England 1704).11. b. (2). Step-Second Cousins Once Removed (?):
William Burgess m. (2) Sophia22 , widow of Richard Ewen.23 They had: Susanna Burgess who m. Major Nicholas Sewell. William Burgess m. (3) Ursula (who later married Mordecai Moore24 , merchant of Annapolis, by whom she had children. She died 30 June 1702). William Burgess and Ursula had:4. William, who was devised 700 acres on Great Choptank by will of nicholas Painter and 200 acres where Londontown was laid out. d. 28 June 1698. He m. Anne Gassaway Watkins, widow of John Watkins, on 13 Aug. 1697. William Burgess Sr. left to William Burgess Jr. the plantation and 800 acres bought from George Westall, where is a town callled London, provided my wife Ur0sula has the use of it for life, and Bettys Choice, Benjamins Choice and a total of 800 acres on the South River. 5. John. d.y. 6. Joseph d.y. 7. Benjamin, dsp, mariner, m. Jane Buchanan, dau. of James of Bristol, England, with brother Joseph devised 100 acres on Great Choptank River and 400 on Tuckahoe Creek by will of Nicholas Painter in 1684. In 1700, called GTentleman, he sold to Richard Ijams, planter, for L70 IJAms Purchas on South River. On 12 Nov. 1700 he sold to plantr for L60...
22 (a) GgggUncle: Obediance Robbins
(b) Gggg Uncle: Arthur Robbins
Robins Land in Accomack County, Va.![]() ![]() |
Alice Skinner, second wife of Henry Ridgely, was Jane Cornish’s (Robbins Puddington) father’s neice, i.e., Alice’s grandfather James Cornish was the brother of Jane’s father Richard Cornish. Alice Skinner’s mother was Alice Cornish, dau. of James, and her father was Aquilla Skinner. (note that George Puddington leaves bequest to “kinsman Augustine Skinner”, this probably being kin of his wife Jane Cornish.) Aquilla SKINNER, father of Alice SKINNER who married Henry RIDGELY, deeded in 1666 property in Tiverton to her. In 1727, Henry RIDGELY, son of Charles RIDGELY, and grandson of Henry RIDGELY and Alice SKINNER brought action to obtain recognition of his title to the property. He obtained title, sold the land, and it became the land on which Baptist Church was situated. The following depositions were in the possession of the Baptist Church.:Henry Ridgley Petition to Maryland Chancery Court and associated depositions (1727), Tiverton, Devon, England, Baptist Church Records 1695-1915, FHL microfilm 1,526,426, item 3. The Rachel Freeborne deposition stated that about 56 years ago Alice Skinner had come to Maryland, and within a year married Henry Ridgley of Anne Arundel County. ![]() RACHEL FREEBORN is Ruth Clarke's grandmother, Rachel Beard, dau. of Richard Beard I and Rachel Robins. |
14 Maryland Chancery Record: Date: 1812/10/05
1419: John Duvall, Rebecca Duvall, Stephen Beard, Susanna Beard, William Atwell, Jr. Elizabeth Atwell, Moses Rawlings, Mary Lusby, and John Stockett vs. Mary Ann Rawlings, Elizabeth Rawlings, and Mary Rawlings, AA Estate of John Rawlings- Beards Habitation. [Recorded (Chancery Record) 88 p. 60. Accession # 17898-1419 MSA S512-3-2797 Location: 1/36/1/]
15 Rumney, Edward, m. by 27 Feb, 12 Anne (c.1713?), Elinor, sister of William Maccubbin (AALR IB#2:194). [Dates: 1712-1719 Description: IB 2 Accession No.: 4776 MSA No.: C 97-10 Location: 1/1/6/10
[source: George Rawlings]: Daniel Rawlings Sr. married Mary Rumney on 12 Jul 1716 in Anne Arundel, Maryland.Edward Rumney was born about 1672. He died before 1740 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland and was buried in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Edward Rumney married Eleanor / Elizabeth before 1695.
Eleanor / Elizabeth was born about 1677. She died before 1745 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland and was buried in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Eleanor / Elizabeth married Edward Rumney before 1695.
They had the following children: Mary Rumney was born on 4 Jun 1696 and died before 1765. Edward Rumney was born about 1704 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He died before 1795.
16 Daniel Rawlings, m. by 18 Aug 1741, Margaret, dau. of John Brome of CV Co. (Maryland Archives: MDAD 18:290).
17Richard Beard’s Conversion POP-UP (Richard Beard’s Conversion page)
18 QIAAC: page 90 [Quakers in The Founding of Anne Arundel County, by J. Reaney Kelly. Baltimore. The Maryland Historical Society. 1963. In 1661 Ann Covell obtained a certificate of survey for Covells Folly consisting of about 500 acres on the south side of South River in the South River Hundred. A patent was granted in 1663.0 The location was near the plantation of Richard Beard, another of the first friends in the area. Clarkson also referred to Ann Covells husband, Thomas, and hoped that he, too, was a vendor of the Truth . The recoreds are silent as to the deaths of both Ann and Thomas Covell, but later their plantation passed into the posssession of others as follows: Benjamin Williams, 100 acres; Walter Phelps, 100 ac0res; John Sellman, 87 !/2 acres, James Berton, 87 1/2 acres; and Amos Garrett, 25 acres. [Ann Arundel County Rent Rolls, South River Hundred.] (In Apr. 1677 Edward MARYARTE/MARIARTE, AA, planter, with dower released by wf. Honour, granted to John SELLMAN & Geo. WESTFALL, parcel lately sold to sd. MARIARTE by Ann MOTT, als. LAMBERT, bounded by Patrick DUNKINS & Mareen DUVALL. Rerecorded at request of Joseph BURTON on behalf of the orphans of George WESTALL & John SELLMAN. Could Ann Mott alias Lambert be the same person as Ann Covell?)
19 .In July, 1650, Gov. Wiliam Stone visited [Ann Arundel County, or Providence, where many of the Virginia religious dissidents had settled) and appointed Edward Lloyd as commander, and James Homewood, Thomas Marsh, George Puddington, Matthew Hawkins, James Marryman and Henry Catlyn as commissioners. Until 1652, Edward Lllyd was empowered to issue warrants for land to which new settlers were entitled and which later wcould be converted into patents from Lord Baltimore. (QIAAC, page 3) people of AA sent James Cox and George Puddington to St. Marys as delegates on April 6, 1650. Cox was named speaker. On April 17, 1650, Gov., Council, eight burgesses including Cox and Puddington, and a number of Protestant Inhabitants together w/ Wiiam Durand, and elder and leader of the PUritan settlers, issued a proclaimation declairing that they were experiencing religious liberty in Maryland. In 1653, Cromwell took power as Protectora0te. In 1655, Publishers of the Truth came to America.
20 A wifeof a John Burgess, was Mary [Flake?]. they had a daughter, Susannah Burgess in Isle of Wight/Surrey Co. Va. He died, and Mary Burgess m. Richard Skinner. He died, 1677, intestate, and Mary Burgess Skinner administered the estate. Their daughter, Elizabeth Skinner, m. Robert Rawlings. In the meantime, records show continuing disputes between Mary Burgess Skinner and a Roger Rawlings: --1678 9 br 5th. Judgment granted Mary Skinner against Roger Rawlings and John Barnes for 1650 pounds [Surry Co Order Bk. 3, p. 224] --1679 Gave oath for proving nuncupative will of Robert Evans [Surry County, Bk 2, p 215.] --1680 Mary Skinner of "Runnison" Isle of Wight Co widow: sold to George Cripps of Blackwater, for 6000 pounds of tobacco, "a dividend of land" on said River, 15000 acres. Test' Edward Poynter, Thom 0Smyth, Daniel Palmer. 7 June 1680. Married to John Collins of Upper Parrish Isle of Wight before 7 Sep 1680. [D&W 1662-1715, v.1, pp439-444] --1682 Jan 60 "The difference between Rogr. Rawlins & Jno. Collins as marryeing the Relict of Richard0 Skinner deced. is dismist." [Surry Co Order Bk.0 3, p. ?]--There are no additional records related to Mary Skinner in Surry County af0ter 1682. For more info: http://dcbeta.ecenter.smu.edu/bskinner/genealogy/skinner/early.html.
21 In Virginia, in 1649, Richard Owens, together with Thomas Meers, Edward Lloyd, Thomas Marsh and John Norwood, was given till October next to conform to the established church law. Richard Owens came to Maryland in 1650 and settled at South River. They were aong Anne Arundel Countys first Friends. (see J.D. Warfield, The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties Maryland (Baltimore, 1905) pg. 31. Persecution of Quakers in Md: On July 23, 1658, the Council (Gov. Josias Fendell, soon to be removed from office by Lord Baltmore; Edward Lloyd, a former Va. Puritan who had also served in the late Puritan government; Col. Nathaniel Utie, formerly of Virginia; Robert Clark, a former Puritan official, and young Philip Calvert, Secy of state: “Whereas it is well known in the Province that there have of late bin several vagabonds and idle persons knowne by the name of Quakers that have presumed to come into this Province as well as diswading people from complying with the miliary discipline in this time of danger as also from giving testimony or being jurors doe hereby requrie and command all and every the justices of Peace of the Province that as soon as they shall have notice that any of the said vagabonds or idle persons shall again presume to come into this Province they forthwith cause them to be apprehended and whipped from constable to constable until they shall be sent out of the Province.
22 The name Sophia appears in the Rawlings families as follows: 1). John Rawlings (b. c. 1705?- 1756 in Frederick County had wife Anna Sophia.
23 QIAAC, page 7: The new Maryland government set up by Bennett and Claiborne in 1654 consisted of Captain William Fuller, Richard Preston, William Durand, Edward Llloyd-previously an appointeee in the county government by Governor Stone-Captain John Smith, Leonard Strong, John Lawson, John Hatch, Richard Wells and Richard Ewen.
24 In 1705, a party of English Quakers made a visit to Maryland, and wrote about staying at Doctor Mordecai Moores on South River. (Perhaps they had settled on Burgess land.) QIAAC mentions a Mordecai Moore at a Herring Creek Meeting in 1720, and states that he lived in the South River area near Londontowne. cites Patents, LIber Q, f. 393; also see Anne Arundel County Rent Rolls, South River Hundred. In 1720, Mordecai Moore is listed as one of the (Quaker names) owners of the Brigantine Betty, Commanded by Henry Hill. At the Herring Creek mee0ting, the attendants such as Moore pool their resources such as tobacco hogs, etc. for the care of the poor. In 1701, Mord. Moore is listed as witnessing a marriage ceremony at the West River Quaker meeting house. (as is E. Hutchens, Jr.)
25 The William BURGES baptized in 1626 is believed to be the son of a "WilliamBURGES the younger" who was buried 24 August 1641. This man was apparentlythe father of: 1. William bap. 2 July 1626 2. George bap. 3 Aug. 1628 3. Mary bap. 11 April 1631; bur. 18 Oct. 1635. The relation of "William BURGES the younger" to William of the 1641 will who was father of Isaac, and grandfather of Joseph who went to Anne ArundelCo., MD is unknown. Whether 0Col. William BURGESS of Maryland is identical to William baptizedin 1626, son of William BURGES ["the younger"] is unknown. At this time it has not been proved, or disproved.
An apparent relative of Col. Burgess was: Joseph Burger (Burges) of Wilts., Engl. and Anne Arundel County, Md. Will of 1672: mother: wife of John Keynes of Marlborough. Brothers and0 sisters: Isaac, Daniel, Elizabeth Parker, William Samuel, Jeremia, Anne, and Mary. [ Joseph Burger will, Maryland wills 1:615-618, FHL microfilm 0,012,841. Also recorded correctly as BURGES in Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills, 131 Eure, FHL microfilm 0,092,306.]
On 30 Nov. 1672 Joseph Burgess stepfather, John KEYNES of Marlborough, Wiltshire produced a deed to Benjamin LAWRENCE of Marlborough, chandler, for the sale of land in Anne Arundel Co., MD, and a letter of attorney to William BURGES, Thomas TAYLOR, Nathaniel HEATHWICKE, and George PUDDINGTON so that KEYNES could enter the land and give possession to LAWRENCE.2 [2. Peter Wilson Coldham, Lord Mayor's Court of London Depositions Relating to Americans, (Washington, D.C.: National Genealogical Society, 1980), 41.]
The father of the Joseph BURGES of the Anne Arundel Co., MD will was Isaac, son of William Burgess (William Burgess will 14 june, 1640, probated 6 Nov. 1641.: wife Alice, dau. Mary m. Edward Puttman; dau. Martha m. EDWARD HUTCHINS; dau. Eliz son Isacke Burgis, grandchildren Mary and Eliz Burgis dau. of Joseph Burgis, dec., residue to son Daniel who was exec. Very good friends: brother in law William Blisset, THOMAS HUNT, William Barnes overseers. ]. Isaac was probably born about 1615.8 The church records show that Isaac married Anne YORK 13 Aug. 1640. Isaac BURGES was buried on 10 Oct. 1668. His widow as "Mrs. Anne Burges" secondly married John KEYNES on 17 Ja0n. 1669. Mr. John KEYNES was buried 13 Dec. 1675.
Wills and details of William Burgess father of Joseph Burgess, and of Joseph Burgess son Isaac, including transactions with Benjamin Lawrence and Edward Hutchins, and others have been posted at: http://mosesrawlings.freeservers.com/beardfamrecs.html#burgess.
Source: Frederic Z. Saunders
26 Will of Richard Beard: Date: 24 July 1675. To wife Rachel home plantation for life. To sons Richard and John: same at death of wife. To dau. Ruth: Timberneck. To dau. Rebecca: pt. of Indian Range. To dau. Rachel Clark: reversionary heir to land if others fail. Brother-inlLaw William Burgess overseer (Sti: Geo. Green, Jno. Raster, Elizabeth Cornton, Thos. Pinthwickie.